30 Great ICO Reviews To Check Out, December Highlights

30 Great Ico Reviews To Check Out, December Highlights
30 Great Ico Reviews To Check Out, December Highlights

It’s been a great month for ICOs, and we have raised our game and commissioned more ICO reviews than any other month. Our writing team are all impartial and only review companies that they have no involvement in. We can see from the stats that these reviews are valued, and are being read and shared rapidly. It has also brought a tripling in traffic to our website, so it is a win win situation. If you would like your ICO reviewed in 2018 please drop us a line to [email protected] , thanks again for reading and happy new year.

NaPoleonX ICO Review: Delivering Smart And Competitive Investing Solutions For Crypto-investors

Zilliqa ICO Review – Next Gen Blockchain Platform

AppCoins: The Blockchain-based Protocol To Unify Finance And Trust In The App Economy

Trial Token ICO Review. Using Blockchain To Provide Access To The Legal System

Evareium ICO Review: The World’s Digital Real Estate Investment Token Fund

Nau ICO Review

BitMinutes ICO Review: Providing Access To Financial Services For The Disadvantaged

Iungo ICO Review: WiFi Access For The Masses, Through The Blockchain

Districts ICO Review: A Virtual Reality City Built On The Blockchain

Cointed ICO Review, Offering Crypto Currency Services, Trading And ATMS

Lucyd ICO Review: Next-gen Smartglasses And Augmented Reality Built On The Blockchain

ATFS Lab ICO Review, Korean Agritech And Food Science

Blockchain Based Trading: Scrinium ICO Reviewed

Giftz ICO Review: Loyalty Reward Programmes Built On The Blockchain

Crypterium ICO Review: The Advent Of Cryptobanking

Crypto Currency Exchange And Debit Card: The Tokia ICO Review

PM7 ICO Review: Introducing Affiliate Marketing Programs Through The Blockchain

Spectiv ICO Review: Streaming Community-driven VR Content Across The Blockchain

Crypto Currency Exchange: Exmo ICO Reviewed

PROPS ICO Reviewed – A Decentralized Ecosystem Of Video Applications

B2B Crypto Services: The Crypto Improvement Fund ICO Evaluated

TV-TWO ICO Review: Decentralized TV Viewing On The Blockchain

Co-creation And Collaboration: Crowdholding ICO Reviewed

P2P Security: The Levelnet ICO Reviewed

Rightmesh – ICO Review

Envion ICO Review: Decentralizing Energy Provision By Mobile Mining Units

Fundaria ICO Review: Community-driven Ideas Across The Blockchain

Jibrel Network – ICO Review

MARK.SPACE ICO Review: A New 3D/VR Platform Powered By Blockchain Technology

SoyCoin ICO Review: Decentralized Solution For Industrial Production Of Soy Derivatives

PressCoin ICO Review: The Future Of Decentralized Media

Image from pixabay here.