Top Crypto News Of 2017, 15 Great Stories You May Have Missed

Top Crypto News Of 2017, 15 Great Stories You May Have Missed
Top Crypto News Of 2017, 15 Great Stories You May Have Missed

It’s been a great year for Bitcoin, Ether, and crypto currencies in general. 2017 was also great because we launched CryptoCoin.News! First with text stories, and then with video content too. In our first three months we have grown rapidly, and we are looking forward to 2018 to continue our upward progression in terms of traffic and views.

Here is the first of 3 daily roundups to see out 2017. Thanks for reading and we look forward to bringing you more of the top stories and crypto news in 2018 from all of the team here at CryptoCoin.News.

John McAfee Doubles His Bet And Predicts $1M Bitcoin Price By The End Of 2020

Why Ether Could Be The Cryptocurrency Of 2018. Everything You Wanted To Know About Ether And Ethereum

6 Cryptocurrencies You Should Know About (and None Of Them Are Bitcoin)

Andreas Antonopoulos Receives $2.6 Million In Donations After Being Mocked For Not Getting Rich From Bitcoin

Teenager Turns Bar Mitzvah Money Into Huge Profit With Bitcoin And Ethereum

10 Great Examples Of How The UN Is Using Blockchain Technology For Social Good

Cryptocurrencies (besides Bitcoin): What Do They Do? And Where Is The Market Headed.

Why Is Ethereum Rising In Value?

Iungo ICO Review: WiFi Access For The Masses, Through The Blockchain

Bitcoin’s Killer Feature Is As A Store Of Value. Insights With Jimmy Song, Crypto Expert


Envion ICO Review: Decentralizing Energy Provision By Mobile Mining Units

Weekly ICO Review Roundup, The Latest Cutting Edge ICOs Evaluated

PM7 ICO Review: Introducing Affiliate Marketing Programs Through The Blockchain

Zerocoin 2018 Roadmap, Will It Be Zcash For Everyone?

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