Asian Crypto Roundup, Why China, Indian, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore And Others Are Crypto Innovators

Asian Crypto Roundup, Why China, Indian, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore And Others Are Crypto Innovators
Asian Crypto Roundup, Why China, Indian, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore And Others Are Crypto Innovators

We’re seeing more and more activity and cutting-edge innovation coming out of the Asian region. With so many people conducting their daily activities often using only mobile devices, this region of the world is proving to be a world leader when it comes to payments innovations. Mobile banking and crypto payments are becoming an increasingly integrated part of these transactions. We are committed to bringing you news from wherever it is hot in relation to cryptocurrencies, and this roundup illustrates just what a dynamic part of the world it is in 2017. Nb not all the news is always good, as some of our stories also illustrate too. Image from pixabay here.

Chinese Crypto Users Defy Bans As Bitcoin Continues To Rise In Value

First Cryptocurrency Payment Card To Be Launched In Japan

Can Blockchain Solve India’s Land Rights Corruption?

China’s Bitcoin Ban Leaves Bitcoin Industry Unaffected

Relex Partners With Vietnamese Developer Nam Hai To Launch The Marine City Project On The Blockchain

Australian FinTech Firms Put Pressure On Central Bank For National Cryptocurrency

Singapore COSS Token Swap (ICO) Completed, And What Will Happen Next

Relex, Using Crypto Solutions To Innovate Real Estate, John Bonar, Chief Investment Adviser

Kazakhstan Announce Own National Cryptocurrency In Partnership With Exante

An Eastern Offering: Bitindia’s Upcoming ICO And Why The Company Focuses On The Local Market

North Korea Suspected Of Implementing Worldwide Cryptocurrency Mining Software

Malaysia Might Soon Ban All Cryptocurrencies