Happy New Year. As we celebrate a successful debut year for Cryptocoin.News we look back on which stories received the most views, traffic and engagement. As always this list is guided by the data, but we’d love to hear your thoughts on what stories you’d like to hear more about too, drop us a line at [email protected]
Thanks again for reading and have a great 2018 too.
Dashing Over Bitcoin, Why Dash Gained 40% In Value, Fernando Gutierrez Explains
Dan Larimer, Creator Of The Fastest Blockchains, Now Targeting Sub-second Latency In EOS
Crypto Currency Exchange And Debit Card: The Tokia ICO Review
Ethereum V Bitcoin: The Pros And Cons Of These Two Cryptorivals
US Federal Court Orders Coinbase To Hand Over Customers Details To IRS
Cryptocoin News ICO Review Round Up, 15 Innovative ICOs To Watch
Estonian Government Defies EU Central Bank With World’s First National ICO
15 Exciting ICOs To Watch, Cryptocoin.News November ICO Review Highlights
ælf Unveils Its Plan For A Blockhain ‘Central Business District’
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