Ehab ICO Review: Blockchain Solution To The Housing Crisis

Ehab Ico Review: Blockchain Solution To The Housing Crisis
Ehab Ico Review: Blockchain Solution To The Housing Crisis

Housing is a big issue. It is in Ireland, for sure, where homelessness is at an all-time high due to our government’s ineptitude and clear disdain for the citizen’s plight.

But across the world, too, homelessness is a scourge that affects a vast number of people in one form or another, causing misery and hardship to many.

Painting an accurate picture of global homelessness statistics is virtually impossible due to the multitude of countries affected, lack of reliable figures, and the sheer numbers involved.

The last attempt at gathering global statistics on homelessness was done way back in 2005. Then, the United Nations estimated that around 100 million people were homeless worldwide, and that as many as 1.6 billion lived in inadequate, substandard, or unfit dwellings.

It is against this scandalous background that a new ICO emerges, intending to address the global housing crisis.

ehab’s creating a blockchain-based platform to enable community members to create and finance affordable housing projects.


Ehab: resolving the global housing crisis through a blockchain solution

The current housing market is centralized, driven by profit, and peppered with greed. The system casts people as little more than assets to exploit while the money is there, then throw them out when it isn’t. This unequal and avarice-driven housing environment has been the norm for decades, perhaps centuries, and it has now reached a point where the market is completely fractured and utterly devoid of any fairness.

ehab intends to revolutionize the housing environment by making people drive the market, rather than profit.

Ehab Ico Review: Blockchain Solution To The Housing Crisis

The ICO’s Whitepaper addresses this solution saying that ehab is a ‘digital framework to make a decentralize housing system a reality‘ by taking a ‘holistic approach which enables thriving sustainable communities to emerge and flourish‘.

Ehab in figures & quick facts

  • Token Name – ehab Property Tokens (EHP)
  • Total tokens issued – 4,502,000,000
  • Pre-sale Start Date – February 9, 2018
  • Pre-sale End Date – February 18, 2018
  • ICO Start Date – March 1, 2018
  • ICO End Date – April 31, 2018
  • Token worth – 1 ETH = 20,000 EHP
  • Hard cap – 75,000 ETH

The ehab token

As with any other ICO, the company will issue its own currency, the ehab token (EHP). Once created, the EHP token will be distributed as follows:

  • First project – 15%
  • Wages – 32%
  • Tax budget – 20%
  • Marketing – 18%
  • Expenses – 15%

Note that new EHB tokens will be issued for every new project.

The team

The ehab website lists a leadership team of three people, a core team of ten people, and an advisory board of eight.

There is an abundant wealth of expertise among the featured members, some with 30+ years’ experience in their respective fields.

There are software developers, finance experts, social media entrepreneurs, law and engineering personnel, and members from other related disciplines. All members feature a link to their LinkedIn profile.

Overall, the team appears capable and inspires confidence in the project.

Social media presence and digital footprint

Here are the social media numbers for ehab at the time of writing (Late January 2018).

  • Twitter – 606 followers
  • Facebook – 238 followers
  • LinkedIn – 29 followers
  • Telegram – 42 followers
  • LinkedIn – 29 followers

All told, this ICO’s presence on social media is disappointing given the interesting value proposition.

Housing is an inherent human right, and way more people should be aware of ehab’s existence. At present,however, this ICO’s reach is not significant, so the leadership team should take note and act upon this.

Overall, ehab’s presence on Social Media ranks as ‘Poor’.


This is ehab’s strongest point, as it is currently the sole ICO dealing with housing markets.

From this position of power, ehab can set out to achieve its objectives and perhaps become a de facto standard in its particular niche, should the ICO succeed, of course.

Website quality & layout

Ehab’s website is secure and well designed, featuring a pleasing teal-based color scheme.

The site includes a lot of information about its proposition, ICO, background info, the team, promo media, and much more.

The only flaw I found is that neither the ‘Buy tokens’ button at the top right corner, nor the ‘Purchase tokens’ link further below seem to work. Maybe these links have not been activated yet.

Overall, ehab’s website ranks as ‘Good’.


Ehab offers two documents through its website, a one-pager, and the full Whitepaper (v 2.2.)

The paper is perfectly designed and professional-looking throughout. It features a lot of information about the platform, housing, case studies, and, in general, everything you need to know about the project.

There are small grammar issues here and there, but generally speaking, it’s one of the best ICO Whitepapers I’ve seen thus far.

Slight niggle: the ‘Disclaimer’ text at the beginning is all grouped together in a huge clump, making it virtually impossible to read. It should have been broken up into paragraphs.

Overall, however, the ehab Whitepaper ranks as ‘Very good’.


Few, apart from speculators and unscrupulous landlords, would say that the current housing market is fair and transparent. The entire system needs a complete overhaul to release the stranglehold exerted by banks and financial institutions.

Ehab’s proposition focuses on giving power back to the people, and remove the excessive reliance on profit to drive housing developments.

The entire ehab concept must be applauded for its boldness and pure human interest.

In the end however, it will come down to investors, whose human side appears to be lacking much too often.

This piece is an analysis of the facts available about the ehab ICO. It should not be read as offering advice or a recommendation. While ICOs have become a popular tool for funding projects and start-ups, they can also be high-risk for token purchasers.

ICOs currently have an unclear legal and financial status. Token buyers may find that their purchase does not offer them any security or equity because the ICO is closer to a crowdfunding initiative than a traditional IPO. As such, any investor who plans to buy tokens during any ICO needs to obtain all relevant independent advice and carry out their own appropriate due diligence.