CVproof: A Recruitment Revolution On The Blockchain

Cvproof: A Recruitment Revolution On The Blockchain
Cvproof: A Recruitment Revolution On The Blockchain

Cvproof: A Recruitment Revolution On The Blockchain

Let’s take a moment to celebrate those who bluff their way into jobs. It takes a lot of nerve and a certain entrepreneurial spirit to blatantly lie. We all embellish our accomplishments a little. You were only the deputy stage manager in the college production of West Side Story, but they don’t need to know that, do they? What the hell, write down that you directed the show, and starred in it. And played the bassoon in the school orchestra. Embellishment: that’s find isn’t it?

But plain lying? That’s a skill in and of itself.

The days are numbered for the ‘creative’ resumé if CVproof gets its way. This ICO promises to use the blockchain to save employers the time, energy, and cost they expend verifying candidates’ alleged credentials. So you may as well throw that Degree in Kinesiology from the University of Saskatchewan, that you spent three hours photo-shopping, straight into the bin. Soon, there will be nowhere to hide: you are going to have to actually go to college.

How CVproof works

CVproof’s website and whitepaper identifies its four primary purposes:

  1. Stop professional profile frauds and cheats
  2. Slash the cost and lead-time of vetting services
  3. Introduce an incentive model fueled by tokens
  4. Reduce non-relevant applications

These are all admirable goals and CVproof hopes to use its currency – INK – as the means of drawing applicants, recruitment consultants, and employers into the project. The token will be used to incentivize participation, and this is essential for the project to succeed.

A job-seeker might upload their CV into the CVproof ecosystem and request that the qualifications or other credentials be validated by their service. The relevant sections of the CV are sent to the proper authorities to authenticate, and the authority will be awarded with INK. It sends confirmation back to CVproof that the qualification is genuine. This information is stored on the blockchain and given a unique hash key. The job-seeker pays some INK for the service, some of which will go to the authority who validated the qualification, while a commission will be retained by CVproof.

The advantage of this system is that it does not have to be repeated every time an employer receives this CV. Accreditation on the blockchain is notarized and indisputable, and accessed by the employer through the CVproof ecosystem.

CV Proof in numbers and facts:

Token: INK

Total Tokens Offered: 50 million in pre-sale; 425 million in public allocation (out of a total of 1 billion)

Token Worth: $0.12 per token

Discounts:  50% during pre-sale (ends 1st February)

25% in week one,

  15% in week two

ICO Start Date: Q1 2018

End Date: TBA

Hard Cap: $42 million

Payments will only be accepted in ETH during pre-sale and ICO.


CVproof will use INK tokens, which is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum Blockchain. The INK created during the pre-sale and ICO will be distributed like this:

Product Development: 16%

Ecosystem: 36%

Operations: 42%

Legal: 6%

The Team

So who is behind CVproof? And can we really believe what they tell us on their Linkedin pages?

The project has its headquarters in Singapore and an office in Estonia.  The team is multi-national, and from a variety of backgrounds of expertise, from airlines to financial services. CEO and founder Ray Chow-Toun is a member of Swiss Crypto-Valley; but the link to his profile didn’t lead anywhere.

Website and white paper

CVproof have a simple idea which is well explained on their website. The white paper is clear, readable, and refreshingly free of hyperbole. There is nothing flashy; the team are obviously confident that the ideas at the heart of CVproof are enough to win over investors.

Social media presence:

Twitter: 4059 followers

Facebook: 800 followers

Linkedin: 14 Followers

Steemit: 17 Followers

Telegram: 3919

CVproof’s Twitter and Telegram numbers are impressive for this stage. There is still work to be done for CVproof to be heard though.


The idea is good, it addresses a real problem, using the strengths of blockchain technology to do something smoothly that is currently very cumbersome. CVproof can only work effectively if everyone gets on board. How long will it take for all of the accreditation bodies of the world to change how they operate? If it succeeds, it could be, a ‘game-changer’.

The idea of having credible and attested data on the blockchain is excellent. CVproof has great potential and is worth investigating.