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Final Hours Of Coss Token Swap (ico): What’s Next?

Final Hours Of COSS Token Swap (ICO): What’s Next?

For many startups that have undergone an ICO-stage within the last couple of years, the time following the ICO is more important than the...
Gatecoin’s Aurélien Menant Expects Bitcoin Prices To Scale To $5,000 This Year

Gatecoin’s Aurélien Menant Expects Bitcoin Prices To Scale To $5,000 This Year

The price of Bitcoin has been surging to new highs in recent times. The #1 crypto currency is now keenly watched by everyone across...

The core objective behind the existence of DAO.Casino is to replace centralised casino models with a socio-economic protocol with no human intervention whatsoever. This decentralized system will achieve a fine balance between active participation and a fair economic return for those who participate. For developers, DAO.Casino proposes to eliminate their need to rely on centralized casinos. Instead, the protocol makes it easier for these talented individuals and teams to monetise their work, raise funds, and expect bankrolling without paying heavy commissions.For gamers, DAO.Casino is equally attractive, as it allows them to break free from rigged centralised online casinos. Traditional casinos are a black box; players cannot call their bluff easily, because the outcomes of each bet are calculated behind closed curtains. DAO.Casino, on the other hand, allows for transparency. The protocol focuses on obtaining pseudorandomness in all the gaming outcomes by introducing an economic incentive layer. Here, the participants interact with PRNG contracts to ensure unpredictable pseudorandomness. In the beginning we expect existing licensed online casino operators to integrate with the protocol to reduce costs, while long-term new forms of regulations more suitable for decentralised, transparent and automated systems can emerge.


SunContract is a platform that directly connects energy producers and consumers into an energy pool based on smart contracts. The SunContract’s vision is to support a global self-sufficient energy community based on renewable energy by digitalization of electricity. With SNCs one can buy electricity through the SunContract Energy Pool. SunContract’s business model joins together the best features of blockchain technology (5 T’s: trust, transparency, traceability, time stamp and transactions) and renewable energy (5 D’s: digitalization, decarbonization, deregulation, decentralization and democratization) to create an entirely new services that will revolutionize the existing market. Decentralized energy market on the blockchain is only the first step of transforming energy distribution grid services in the future and will be followed by grid-flow optimization services, demand response services etc.
Japan Issues Bitcoin Corporate Bonds Bitcoin to Become More Mainstream

Japan Issues Bitcoin Corporate Bonds, Bitcoin To Become More Mainstream

Bitcoin has been hogging the limelight for a quite a while now, and rightly so. With prices hovering around $4300, the number one crypto...
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