Globalization and centralization of industries and wealth have led to a disloyal competition where the big players increasingly take more market share from small businesses that offer good products or services but do not have the capabilities to reach their potential customers. Social networks have designed their services mainly to suit big business with big budgets, further compounding the challenge for small companies.
FlipNpik is a project created by Fliptech SAS and is a blockchain-based social media tailored for local businesses with a cooperative model. FlipNpik aims to be the first collaborative social media for local businesses, dedicated to giving them greater visibility and control of their digital identity in order to gain a strong position at the heart of the social scene. Operating in an ecosystem based on the blockchain, the value will be generated and distributed in an equitable and decentralized manner among all active collaborators called ‘ambassadors’.

Main features
- This model will offer local businesses a competitive advantage, contributing to the improvement of the local economy and promoting the circuits of local and responsible consumption.
- An ecosystem that stimulates the creation and equitable sharing of value between all members of the platform at the service of local businesses.
- The platform offers user-collaborator rewards for their participation that can be exchanged for various goods and services, encouraging them to promote with quality content the businesses to which they are associated.
- Application available on iOS and Android and soon on the web.
- A partnership will be offered to ambassadors looking to promote local businesses more actively, allowing them to retain from the business 20% of eligible expenses on the platform.
- Users can discover local businesses in their neighborhood and benefit from exclusive promotions and offers.

Token information
- Token utility name = Flipnpik.
- Acronym = FNP.
- Technology = Stellar Blockchain.
- Max. Number of tokens = 1.000 million.
- Currencies accepted = ETH.

Token distribution
- ICO = 350 million (35%).
- Bounty program = 75 million (7,5%).
- FlipNpik team = 75 million (7,5%).
- Partnership reserve = 150 (15%).
- Social mining reserve = 350 million (35%).

Funds usage
- Development = 44%.
- Sales & marketing = 25%.
- Operations = 12%.
- Initial fees = 19%.

- Starts = May 1st 2018.
- Close = June 31th 2018.
- Bonus = 50% to 15%
- Distributed on pre-sale = 105 million.
- Token price = 3043,5 FNP/ETH.
- Min. buy = €0,10.
- Starts = July 1st 2018.
- Close = August 31th 2018.
- Bonus = 5% for everyone, and can be 10% for 50 ETH and more.
- Distributed on pre-ICO = 105 million.
- Token price = 3043,5 FNP/ETH.
- Min. buy = € 0,10.
- Starts = September 1st 2018.
- Close = October 31th 2018.
- Distributed on ICO = 140 million.
- Token price = 3043,5 FNP/ETH.
- Min. buy = €0.10
- Hard cap = 115.000 ETH.
The team
- Henri Harland – CEO.
- Richard Marganne – President.
- Serge Helou – CTO.
FlipNpik is the only project that offers a social media platform focused on local businesses but is not the only one who offers a social media platform based on a collaborative model through blockchain solutions. Their closest competitors are:
Social media presence
Additional information
- ICO Website
- Project Website
- ICO Whitepaper
- Medium Blog
Currently, a disparity exists in the world of social networks due to platforms only offering visibility to large businesses with large means and great purchasing power. With the collaborative FlipNpik platform, small business will have the opportunity to gain a strong position at the heart of the local social scene with the aim of increasing their visibility and sales.