Vaultoro: Buying Gold With Bitcoin, Learn How @ Chainges, Amsterdam, May 4th And 5th

Vaultoro: Buying Gold With Bitcoin, Learn How @ Chainges, Amsterdam, May 4th And 5th
Vaultoro: Buying Gold With Bitcoin, Learn How @ Chainges, Amsterdam, May 4th And 5th

Joshua Scigala, Founder and CEO of Vaultoro, billed as the platform for buying real gold with Bitcoin, will be speaking at the Chainges forum in Amsterdam, May 4th and 5th.

Talk to us about what you are doing now?

We are combining the oldest and newest currencies to make it easy for anyone to accept cryptocurrencies but hedge it in stable allocated gold. This means we, as a modern asset bank, will not be able to speculate with users’ funds. We also provided radical transparency using blockchain technology so people can always prove how liquid we are and that we are at full reserves. This is in contrast to the in-transparent banking system that can speculate with our money and we don’t even know what they speculate on until they go broke like in Cyprus, Greece and many more.

How was the last year, what worked well, what didn’t move as quickly as you would have liked?

We have been growing 74% month over month so that has been fantastic, I just wish we could have some more features pumped out by now for all these new people.

What are your plans for the future?

We will be releasing our new multi-asset OTC market and allocated gold-based debit card.

What will you be talking about at this Chainges?

We all know that more and more robots and AI are taking jobs. I mean, every startup that you see is removing workers or middlemen, in effect removing inefficiencies. The problem is that humans are generally inefficient so the logical conclusion is no more work for humans. The problem is that our entire economy is based on proof of work. How do humans pay for the basics and even luxuries when there is no work? Are the solutions to human obsolescence buried inside the blockchain?

What inspired you to attend this event?

Chainges is a one-of-a-kind blockchain event where its content is actually shaped by the community. I also have lots of friends in the blockchain and digital currency space based in Amsterdam.

Which influencers and websites do you follow to keep up to date with the latest developments?

I generally keep an eye on Reddit, YouTube and IRC channels and if you can handle it 4chan/ biz sometimes has very cool early projects and an…. interesting community.

How can people find out more about what you are working on?

They can follow me on twitter @vaultoro and sign up to our newsletter at htts:// for hot tips on investing in this crazy market.

What else would you like our readers to know?

Cryptocurrency is delivering us to a world where the separation of money and state is a reality. In the future, I think society will see the movement as important as the separation of church and state taking shape from the Magna Carta.

Let’s see where this financial evolution will take humanity.

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