Early Bird Tickets Close Today: International BlockchainUA Conference March 23rd

Early Bird Tickets Close Today: International Blockchainua Conference March 23rd
Early Bird Tickets Close Today: International Blockchainua Conference March 23rd

This is the third blockchain event in Kiev and will be held in the Conference Hall, ‘Oasis’ in Kiev on March 23rd 2018. The organizers expect more than 1000 attendees. The intention is to create a three tier conference that will deliver relevant content for both experts in this area and newbies. They expect a range of delegates including technology experts, entrepreneurs, investors, bankers, students, regulators, developers and traders, and they hope to build a strong community in the Ukraine of Blockchain advocates.

The website states: ‘Our mission is to make the event accessible for as many people as possible while providing the right level of organization — we’re providing food and coffee breaks during the event, access to the after-party, videos of all the talks, networking, and much more.’

They also stress that the conference will give an independent voice to the blockchain community. There are no paid talks and they don’t promote ICOs. It is intended to be an educational and networking event so speakers are encouraged to give an informative, helicopter view of their experience.

As a not-for-profit organization, they are keen to bring value to the community as well as keeping ticket prices low.

There are three stages: the main stage with two sub-channels covering product and technology. There will be simultaneous translation in Russian and English for the main and technology stage.

Opening the conference with be Pavel Kravchenko, co-founder at Distributed Lab who will be talking about how cryptocurrencies don’t change the world. While Gordon Einstein of Blockchain and Crypto Partner at CKR LAW LLP, will talk about how SAFTs work.

On the Main Stage there will be panels talking about the ICO market and, of course, how regulation will process in the Ukraine. Bearing in mind the success of the Belarus adoption of all things crypto, it will be of great interest to see how the Ukrainian regulators will react.

The Product Stream will touch on topics such as blockchain for trading and exchanges, as well as issues of fungibility with particular regard for Monero. Switzerland will also be viewed as to how it has positioned itself as a crypto nation.

The Technology Track will look at issues of scalability, nano payments, security, smart contracts and blockchain interoperability.

Tickets cost 1,299 UAH / 50 USD and can be purchased on https://blockchainua.com/en

NOTE the early bird offer finishes today.