Krosscoin ITO Review: Monetizing Mobile App Components

Krosscoin Ito Review: Monetizing Mobile App Components
Krosscoin Ito Review: Monetizing Mobile App Components

Mobile app development is huge business. By the year 2020, global app revenue is expected to take in about $190bn. The app user-base grows exponentially year on year, creating huge demand for new apps.Yet, the vast majority of new apps are free. Users almost expect to pay nothing for their app, which means developers are forced to find new ways of making money.

The freemium business model is the mainstay of today’s app world. The word itself is a portmanteau of free and premium. Freemium describes as app that is offered free of charge, but users are asked to pay for certain content, services, extras, virtual goods, or other items, depending on the app type.

Yet, between 90 to 95% of freemium users create no revenue whatsoever, as they are happy to use the app in its free mode without additional extras or better services. This effectively means that developers are wasting valuable resources creating content for little financial return from the majority of the user base.

Krosscoin is a brand new Initial Token Offering (ITO) that proposes the concept of monetizing individual app components through a functional consumption model, so
developers can focus on creating content for every user and be financially rewarded
for it.

Krosscoin: a framework for consumption-based app development

According to this ITO’s marketing blurb, Krosscoin proposes a pay-as-you-use model that ‘allows app developers to make interesting and highly functional apps, and lets the end-consumer pay for only the functions accessed, when they access or use it.’

In simpler terms, Krosscoin offers an Ethereum-based blockchain platform to build proprietary or third-party apps which can be monetized through its proprietary token, KSS, in the above mentioned pay-as-you-use fashion.

Krosscoin will offer an open API to enable rapid implementation by third parties in due course.

Apps developed to use KSS

Krosscoin has a number of apps in beta stage that utilize the KSS token.

Phase 1

  • Pipdroid Pearl (for MT5)
  • Pipdroid Petal (for MT4)
  • Pipdroid Optima

Phase 2

  • Ribbon
  • Kross Monetization Platform

Phase 3

  • Freelance & Merchant Platform

Krosscoin in figures & quick facts

  • Token name – KSS
  • Total amount of tokens issued – 1,000,000,000
  • ITO Phase 1 – March 14th to April 12th 2018
  • ITO Phase 2 – April 13th to April 27th 2018
  • ITO Phase 3 – April 28th to May 12th 2018

Total tokens issued during each phase & value:

  • Phase 1 – 12m tokens/1 ETH = 2,355 KSS
  • Phase 2 – 5m tokens/1 ETH = 1,765 KSS
  • Phase 3 – 3m tokens/1 ETH = 1,412 KSS

The KSS token

The company will issue its own currency, the KSS token, which will be based on Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard.

Once created, the KSS token will be distributed as follows:

  • ITO – 40m KSS
  • Rewards – 10m KSS
  • Founders and project team – 25m KSS
  • Future development – 25m KSS

The team

The Krosscoin site presents a team of 15 people.

Learn more about the team here.

Social Media presence and digital footprint

Here are the numbers for Krosscoin at the time of writing (mid-March 2018).

  • Twitter – 3,567 followers
  • Facebook – 15K followers
  • Telegram – 3,922 followers
  • Medium – 38 followers
  • LinkedIn – 88 followers


Krosscoin stands pretty much alone in its endeavor to offer an app monetization platform. Currently, no other ICO or ITO offers any similar service or concept. This uniqueness may shore up Krosscoin’s future.

Additional information

Krosscoin ICOBench review

White paper

Consult the Krosscoin white paper for more information about the platform, additional features and services, etc.


App development for mobile devices as an industry will only get bigger with the passage of time as more and more smart devices come online, and just as mobile phone providers came up with the now firmly established pay-as-you-go credit system, Krosscoin’s pay-as-you-use model may catch on with investors.

We’ll catch up with Krosscoin’s value proposition in due course.