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0x is an open protocol that facilitates trustless, low friction exchange of Ethereum-based assets.


Stox is an open source, Ethereum base prediction market platform where people can trade the outcome of events in almost any imaginable category


BlockCAT is a visual smart contract designer which allows anyone to create and deploy smart contracts to the Ethereum blockchain without the need to write or understand code.


Lampix will be launching a machine learning image database on the Ethereum Blockchain. This database will assist developers in teaching their programs better image recognition by creating an incentive structure for anyone in the world to populate an image database on the blockchain.


Opus is a fully decentralized music sharing protocol built using IPFS and Ethereum. On Opus, tracks are stored immutably and rapidly on IPFS while only the keys are stored on the Ethereum blockchain. By separating the storage and logic layers of the system, Opus, which has a working Beta, can deliver music rapidly and in the decentralized manner.
Corion Platform

Corion Platform

Platform for mainstream crypto users built on Ethereum Classic with a price controlled token and incentive based inflation rewards. CORION Platform has been created on the Ethereum Classic blockchain to become the entry point into the Crypto World. Unique algorithms, which create stable price per CORION token (COR) while still expanding the market cap as the currency goes through hyper- growth, generated by the demand- based coin emission (daily 0-2.5%).


REAL (Real Estate Asset Ledger) is a new Ethereum Smart-Contracts governed ecosystem that applies Blockchain technologies to the enormous Real Estate investment industry, giving greater access to global investment in Real Estate, lowering barriers to entry, and increasing market liquidity. It will offer an effective method of investing and securing the value of the existing 50-100 Billion USD equivalent in cryptocurrency into the less volatile and growing Real Estate market by generating rental income and value appreciation."


Decentralised trust and reputation system (DTRS), powered by smart contracts, works flawlessly with Monetha’s payment processor. We let the buyer see trustworthy and transparent reviews made by previous customers. Based on the information saved during the transaction, clients and merchants will be able to file/solve a claim, rate each other, view ratings etc. Their history is then recorded onto the immutable Ethereum blockchain so that others can make well-informed commercial decisions.


DisLedger® is a non-blockchain, distributed ledger technology designed for high-volume transaction processing such as payments and capital markets clearing. DisLedger’s patent pending technology provides a solution for permissioned networks that handle high volumes of transactions, require low-latency, and must maintain data privacy. It is a different approach to the way the data is distributed, more akin to sharding or striping than the massively redundant replication of all data copied to all nodes. DisLedger doesn’t compete with permissionless, completely transparent networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum but offers an alternative where the use-case calls for speed and privacy.
Datum Network

Datum Network

Datum is a secure and decentralized personal data bank account powered by Ethereum, BlockchainDB and IPFS. It lets individuals take ownership of their information so they can share it with businesses on their terms. The Datum Network builds the foundation for the new personal data information economy, a USD 120 billion market by 2022.
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