How Blockchain Technology Can Improve Farm Data

How Blockchain Technology Can Improve Farm Data
How Blockchain Technology Can Improve Farm Data

HARA, an Indonesian startup, is currently applying blockchain technology to the recollecting of reliable data from farms, from soil and crop conditions to pest infestation, cultivation process, land ownership and grains transaction in an attempt to improve the current livelihood of farmers. 

Recollecting data from farms is a recurrent issue for farmers due to the lack of a proper platform that could ease the continuous updates of information from farms. As explained by Regi Wahyu, CEO of HARA:

Our mission is to provide rural smallholders access to various farm goods, financing and crop insurance… The holy grail for accessibility is the availability of accurate and transparent data.

One of the major sources of income for Indonesia is farming, which is why the data obtained from farms is key to every company involved in the process. This has become a top priority for the Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo who is working towards the optimization of processes through the creation of a single data set to collect reliable data from farms. 

Once more, blockchain technology has proven to be extremely useful for the improvement of existing systems for the recollection of data, especially when it comes to the supply chain of products. Due to its reliability, parties involved can easily update information in a secure way and share it almost in real-time with others, providing more visibility to the supply chain process of products. 

Other companies like IBM and Mastercard are already applying blockchain technology to platforms created to keep track of the supply chain processes for different products. Even major retail store Walmart is currently applying blockchain technology to keep track of their shrimps’ exports from India. 

The idea behind the optimization of supply chain processes through blockchain technology seeks to reinforce trust in the product by enabling real-time tracking of the supply chain processes in products.