MCart ICO Review: Blockchaining Influencer Marketing

Mcart Ico Review: Blockchaining Influencer Marketing
Mcart Ico Review: Blockchaining Influencer Marketing

In recent times, a specialized form of advertising has emerged: influencer marketing came into existence circa 2004, right around the same time that social media became accessible to the masses.

Ever since, young entrepreneurs have taken over the role of brand ambassadors to help sell a particular item, brand, or service.

mCart is a new ICO that offers the mCart protocol, a decentralized influencer marketing attribution platform that addresses issues of trust, transparency, and fraud in the marketing ecosystem through smart contracts.

mCart & mCart protocol: democratizing influencer marketing through the blockchain

According to its marketing blurb, the mCart protocol is a “decentralized influencer marketing attribution platform that addresses the needs of shoppers, influencers, and marketers by leveraging the smart contract capabilities of the Ethereum blockchain.”

Mcart Ico Review: Blockchaining Influencer Marketing
In simpler terms, the platform will connect retailers and influencers so they can work together to offer the best possible products to consumers, using smart contracts.

Learn more about the mCart protocol here.

The mCart ecosystem

mCart will introduce four different persona types through its ecosystem:

  • Marketers
  • Influencers
  • Shoppers
  • Oracles

Learn more about the mCart ecosystem here.

mCart in figures & quick facts

  • Token name – mCart
  • Total numbers of tokens issued – 100m
  • Pre-ICO start date – December 2017
  • ICO start date – March 2018
  • ICO end date – April 2018
  • Soft cap – 2,000 ETH
  • Hard cap – 25,000 ETH

ETH will be the only accepted method of payment during the crowdsale.

The mCart token

As with any other ICO, the company will issue its own currency, the mCart token (mCart), which is based on the ERC-20 standard and is described as “a digital currency for clearing and settling rewards for affiliate sales transactions over blockchain.”

Users of the mCart platform will use the tokens to pay for, and earn rewards from the protocol.

Once created, the token will be distributed as follows:

  • Pre-sale – 20%
  • ICO – 20%
  • Advisors – 3%
  • Team – 17%
  • Promotion – 15%
  • Company reserve – 25%

The team

Learn more about the mCart team here.

Social Media presence and digital footprint

Here are the numbers for Rxeal at the time of writing (early April 2018).

  • Twitter – 537 followers
  • Facebook – 629 followers
  • LinkedIn – followers
  • Telegram – 604 followers
  • Medium – 66 followers

Somewhat ironically for an ICO whose focus is on influencer advertising, mCart’s social media reach is practically negligible. mCart faces an upward challenge in terms of spreading its own influence.


mCart is far from unique in its chosen discipline of influencer marketing. There are currently about 20 other ICOs operating in the same, or similar, ecosystem. Patron, Boosto, Adhive, to name but a few. From this perspective, mCart is entering a market which may have already reached saturation point.


Consult mCart’s whitepaper for more information about the platform, additional features and services, etc.

Additional information

See mCart review on ICOBENCH.


Influencer marketing is a profitable source of revenue, both for the advertiser and the influencer, so it stands to reason that a platform that enables both these entities can foster success.

The drawback is a number of existing platforms already cater for this market, so it’ll be difficult for any new entrants offering similar services to make a meaningful impact.

mCart’s proposition is nevertheless sound and solid, with a backing team that fields a lot of expertise.