BiNeuro ICO Review: Artificial Intelligence Dedicated To Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Bineuro Ico Review: Artificial Intelligence Dedicated To Pay-per-click Campaigns
Bineuro Ico Review: Artificial Intelligence Dedicated To Pay-per-click Campaigns

We are heading towards an always-connected, technology-driven future world with science advancing at a rapid pace, bringing revolutionary changes every day. This is brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, led by IoT and AI models that may deliver a greater and never-before-seen level of technologically-driven experience.

AI in particular is slowly permeating every aspect of life. From automobile manufacturing to healthcare, fintech, avionics, weapon systems, all these sectors can be greatly enhanced by this technology.

The world of advertising is no stranger to innovation, which leads to the introduction of BiNeuro, a brand new ICO that offers an AI product to revolutionize pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns.

BiNeuro: the future of AI-driven PPC campaigns

According to statistics released by Statista, the global advertising expenditure may reach $600 billion worldwide by 2021.

Yet, as of today, advertising is limited to the capacity of human operators to create and process advertising campaigns.

What BiNeuro proposes is, according to its website, to replace that human operator with an AI model, a neural network that can learn and accumulate experience through Big Data, Machine Learning, all built on a blockchain platform.

The marketing blurb says that the system becomes smarter with every new internet advertising campaign, and that BiNeuro increases the efficiency of PPC campaigns by at least 50% in 87% of the cases.

BiNeuro is a Premier Google Partner.

BiNeuro in figures & quick facts

  • Token name – BNR
  • Total amount of tokens issued – 850m
  • Token price – 1 BNR = 0.0001 ETH
  • Pre-sale start sate – Ongoing as of April 2018
  • ICO start date – tbd
  • Soft cap – n/a
  • Hard cap – 47k ETH
  • The BiNeuro token

The company will issue its own currency, the BiNeuro token (BNR), which, according to their whitepaper, is a “utility token that will provide access to the technologies, services, ratings, and premium services of the BiNeuro ecosystem.”

Once created, the tokens will be allocated as follows:

  • Product processing – 47%
  • Marketing – 25%
  • Team and Partners – 25%
  • Operating expenses and backoffice – 12%
  • Bonuses- 8%
  • Legal expenses – 5%

The team

Learn more about the BiNeuro team here.

Social media presence and digital footprint

Here are the SM numbers for BiNeuro at the time of writing (mid-April 2018).

  • Twitter – 71 followers
  • Facebook – 23 followers
  • Telegram – 24 followers
  • Medium – 4 followers
  • YouTube – 15 followers

This ICO’s presence on social media is absolutely negligable at this point in time.


ICOs offering AI-related products are plentiful on the blockchain. Koios, Triggmine, Neurochain, to name but a few. These ICOs offer AI models for such disparate industries as banking, social marketing, email marketing, or drones.

BiNeuro offers a specific and niche proposition which focuses on PPC campaigns. This specific purpose may help it stand out from the crowded AI marketplace.

Additional Information

See BiNeuro review on ICOBench.

Consult the BiNeuro Whitepaper for more information about the platform.


AI models and products will soon be everywhere, likely becoming a commonplace part of our lives, such is the future of evolution. Equally, the world of advertising is only going to get bigger, as more and more smart devices enter the always-on IoT as time goes on.

Advertising – and PPC campaigns – are likely to increase in volume and frequency, eventually permeating every screen in our lives. From this perspective, BiNeuro’s proposition is technologically sound and offers a targeted solution which may enable this ICO to carve a niche for itself.