10 ICOS To Watch, The Cryptocoin.News Weekly Round

The Latest Independent Ico Reviews You Should Know About. Cryptocoin.news Weekly Ico Roundup
The Latest Independent Ico Reviews You Should Know About. Cryptocoin.news Weekly Ico Roundup

10 Icos To Watch, The Cryptocoin.news Weekly RoundThe Christmas break was a recording breaking time for traffic to our site, and the most viewed articles were our ICO reviews. This suggests there is big and growing appetite for people who wish to carry out their own due diligence and try to assess which are the best ICOs to invest in. Our writers are independent and impartial, with no stake or involvement in any of the ICOs they review. Each week we enjoy reading them as much as they do writing and assessing them. Here is the latest batch for you, enjoy and thanks for reading.

SoyCoin ICO Review: Decentralized Solution For Industrial Production Of Soy Derivatives

BeefCoin ICO Review: Producing Organic, Natural Meat, With A Little Help From The Blockchain

Fast Invest ICO Review: Decentralized, Digital Investment Banking Through Blockchain Technology

GoNetwork ICO Review: A Highly Scalable, Low Cost Mobile First Network Infrastructure For Ethereum

Gems ICO Review – The Protocol For Decentralized Mechanical Turk

OriginTrail ICO Review: New Blockchain-based Protocol To Support Data Integrity And Interoperability In The Supply Chain

Medicalchain: The Ultimate Solution To The Medical Record With Blockchain Technology.

ObizCoin ICO Review: Smart, AI-powered Business Bots Running On The Blockchain

MediChain ICO Review: Decentralized Ledger For Medical Data, Powered By The Blockchain

30 Great ICO Reviews To Check Out, December Highlights