Onplace ICO Review: Connecting Investors To Opportunities Through Blockchain

Onplace Ico Review: Connecting Investors To Opportunities Through Blockchain
Onplace Ico Review: Connecting Investors To Opportunities Through Blockchain

Investing, whether private equity, property, shares, bonds, or any other kind, is a risky business. There is no such thing as a 100% secure investment.

How investors find opportunities has evolved along with technology. The advent of the internet brought about a radical change in how business-people seek their next gamble, and blockchain technology has given rise to a novel way of locating suitable investment opportunities.

OnPlace is a new ICO that offers a blockchain-based platform that enables the tokenization of investment opportunities.



OnPlace: tokenizing investment opportunities through a proprietary Private Assets Tokenization System (PATS) protocol


OnPlace’s choice of blockchain technology includes a proprietary protocol (PATS) that enables the investor community to make informed decisions about the distribution and movement of assets.

In other words, “investors monitor and control operations over tokenized assets”, according to the ICOs white paper, which you can view here for more information on this aspect.

Onplace in figures & quick facts


  • Token name – OnPlace token (OPL)
  • Total tokens issued for pre-sale – 110,000,000 OPL
  • Pre-sale start date – February 1st 2018
  • Pre-sale end date – February 8th 2018
  • ICO start date – tbd-

The OnPlace token


The company will issue the OnPlace token (OPL). Once created, the OPL token will be distributed as follows during the pre-sale:

  • Pre-sale contributors – 52,4%
  • Advertising, advisors, and team – 14,3%
  • Reserve fund – 33,3%

The team


The OnPlace website presents (quite elegantly) a core team of eleven people, plus seven advisors.

The core team includes developers, social media managers, IT personnel, customer service, and other related disciplines.

The advisory board supports the core team nicely, adding expertise in banking, blockchain, sales, etc.

The OnPlace team appears solid and well-rounded.

Social media presence and digital footprint


OnPlace’s social media presence (February 2018).

  • Twitter – 1,520 followers
  • Facebook – 885 followers
  • LinkedIn – 35 followers
  • Instagram – 16k followers
  • Medium – 27 followers
  • Telegram – 578 followers

ICOs live and die by their social media presence, or lack of. OnPlace’s social reach is not remarkable.

Their social media manager has a lot of work to do to achieve a wider reach.

There is no YouTube channel, but there is an Instagram channel which is quite useless in the context of this ICO’s theme.

Overall, OnPlace’s presence on Social Media ranks as ‘Poor’.


Many ICOs offer investment platforms including Bankera, EthicHub, and Elpis among others.

OnPlace focuses on one particular aspect of the investment world, connecting investors with private companies through its proprietary protocol, acting as a middleman of sorts.

Competition with similarly-themed ICOs is a tough battle.

Website quality & layout

An well-designed ICO website is paramount to make a strong and lasting first impression. I have several issues with OnPlace’s site.

  • The order of the pages (Bounty, Pre-Sale, and so on) could be better ordered in a more linear and logical way, where ‘How it Works’ would certainly be first.
  • The theme used in each page differs greatly. There is no consistency, it’s almost like looking at a different website in each page.
  • The Feedback page hides all the social media icons. These icons should be more prominent.
  • The website’s language can be displayed in English, Spanish, Russian, but the language icon is distracting.
  • Poor grammar throughout the site, a proofreader is needed.

OnPlace’s website ranks as ‘Acceptable’.

White paper

OnPlace’s white paper comes in on the short side, at merely 17 pages, however it’s poorly written, with confusing grammar throughout, meaningless industry-related buzzwords and little flow.

The language should be greatly simplified to make the ICO’s goal clearer and more concise.

Overall, the OnPlace’s white paper ranks as ‘Poor’.



OnPlace offers a sound but not new, concept.

This piece is an analysis of the facts available about the OnPlace ICO. It should not be read as offering advice or a recommendation. Any investor who plans to buy tokens during any ICO needs to obtain all relevant independent advice and carry out their own appropriate due diligence.