D’Coin Announces D’Crypt Trading Platform

D’coin Announces D’crypt Trading Platform
D’coin Announces D’crypt Trading Platform

D’Coin Announces D’Crypt Trading Platform

D’Crypt’s mission is to simplify high-leverage cryptocurrency trading for all.

D’Crypt is pleased to announce a new cryptocurrency and altcoin trader platform which will reduce risk by restricting trading to high-performing altcoins.

Singapore, May 7th, 2018: Over the past year, more altcoin traders have arrived on the cryptocurrency market than at any point previously.

There is just one problem – with thousands of altcoins and several different assets required for trading (fiat cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.), trading is becoming increasingly high-risk and increasingly complicated…

D’Crypt as a New Kind of Cryptocurrency Trading Platform


Many altcoin traders are looking for 2018’s lowest risk trading platform. D’Crypt is the answer.

D’Crypt uses D’Coin (DCO) as its own cryptocurrency and method of exchange. This means that as an altcoin trader using D’Crypt, users are freed from having to continuously convert fiat currency to Bitcoin (and other coins) required to trade different digital assets. However, D’Crypt is about much more than just trading convenience.

Cryptocurrency market volatility is countered by D’Crypt sentimental algorithms which collate the most up to date & actionable trading data.

“Reliable and clean infostreams,” says Art Moon, Director of Marketing for D’Fintec Global, the parent company presenting the trading platform, “can be analyzed and aggregated to anticipate market fluctuations.
“Trader sentiment, awareness, and focus are factored into a decision-making matrix, quantified and evaluated into 3 sets of the top coins and exchanges to trade in.”

D’Crypt will maximize altcoin trader safety, security, and profit, by facilitating peer to peer trading using ERC-20 blockchain smart contracts.

Hype & FUD-Free Trading Pairs

As every altcoin trader knows, cryptocurrency price swings aren’t always down to chance. Every day, holders of large amounts of digital currency manipulate prices by executing coordinated buy and sell orders. These result in artificial inflation of different cryptocurrency prices. Worse, as a new altcoin trader, it is easy to buy coins at the wrong moment and take on significant losses when prices correct.

Thankfully, D’Crypt uses patented algorithms to carry out live cryptocurrency market analysis. After carrying out analysis of different exchange price trends, D’Crypt then identifies sets of 3, 5, or 10 coins with the strongest and most legitimate trading potential.

Smart Contract Protected Peer-to-Peer Trading

Over the past year, thousands of cryptocurrency trades have been reversed and/or executed fraudulently on leading exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, Paxful, and Localbitcoins.

In the majority of cases, fraudulent transactions occur when one altcoin trader reverses payment on a credit or debit card. At the same time, however, trades can also be reversed due to exchange bugs and sudden account freezes, (usually during peak trading periods).

Thankfully, D’Crypt provides cryptocurrency traders with more robust trading security. This is due to the fact that D’Crypt is a fully decentralized exchange which will settle peer to peer trades via ERC-20 via smart contracts.

Co-Founder of D’Fintec Mr. Debasish Pattnaik says, “Smart contracts bring transparency and assurance to decentralized and democratized trading – giving anyone, anywhere access to smart trades on a global level, all at your fingertips.”


D’Coin 30% Pre-ICO Bonus – Get It Now!

Get KYC/AML registration out of the way now to take advantage of this offer. The 30% pre-ICO Bonus period ends May 9th or when the soft cap of US$3M is realized, whichever is earlier.

The D’Coin Token Sale Starts on May 10th 2018.

There is an increasing awareness in the cryptocurrency community that decentralized exchanges are the future of digital currency trading. This being the case – don’t wait for the future to happen.

Become part of the exchange revolution by investing in D’Coin when the D’Coin token sale starts on May 10th at www.dcoinico.io.

For more information please go to: https://www.dcoinico.io/

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D’Coin is the source of this press release. Please be aware of the risks involved with cryptocurrency purchases and investments in any financial market. There are no guarantees or certainties in trading or investing. If in doubt or not understand the risks of trading, consult a qualified financial advisor. Do not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose. Trading in cryptocurrencies is not suitable for every investor. This press release is for informative reasons only. This information is not advice or an investment offer.

D’Crypt, D’Coin, and DCO are trademarks of D’Fintec Global Pte Ltd.

Company Site: www.dcoinico.io

Company Contacts: D’Fintec Global Presents the D’Crypt Trading Platform, which is powered by the upcoming D’Coin ICO.

Debasish Pattnaik
Co-Founder and Vice Chairman
D’Fintec Global Pte Ltd
[email protected]

Art Moon
Director of Marketing
D’Fintec Global Pte Ltd
[email protected]