Waves To Launch Blockchain Venture Capital Fund

Waves To Launch Blockchain Venture Capital Fund
Waves To Launch Blockchain Venture Capital Fund

Waves Platform will play a major role in creating a new blockchain venture product. Waves Founder and CEO Alexander Ivanov will be a key advisor and principal for the Basics Fund, a diversified portfolio of crypto assets, alongside professionals in the venture capital industry.

The Basics Fund is dedicated to investment in blockchain infrastructure and combines the best of venture funds and hedge funds — investing in a diversified portfolio of promising start-up projects in the blockchain space. Assets and activity will include established crypto-assets and pre-sale ICO tokens, as well as arbitrage and event-oriented trading.

The Fund will draw on the expertise of both experienced hedge fund managers and key members of the Waves team, including the platform’s CEO, Alexander Ivanov. Investments will be made in unique blockchain solutions with a real-world application, and that are underpinned by strong technology and teams with an established track record. Ten-fold growth over the course of 2–3 years is expected, vastly outpacing all traditional markets.

“As the most enterprise-ready blockchain platform in the world, it is important that Waves is at the forefront of every aspect of the emerging crypto economy,” comments Alexander Ivanov. “That means technological excellence, but it also means shaping the regulatory landscape and actively furthering use cases for every sector. In this instance, we’re very proud to be partnering with experts from the asset management industry and launching a new blockchain Fund for mainstream investors, which will pioneer best practices and showcase the strength of blockchain technology to a new market.”

In addition to Alexander Ivanov, who is now one of the best-known names in the blockchain space, the Fund will be managed by Maxim Kuzin, a highly experienced asset manager. The project will take the form of a Cayman Islands GP/LP Venture Fund.

Whilst the Basics Fund has similarities to classical venture capital funds, the emphasis on blockchain solutions means there are a number of key differences. Token transactions are fast and low-cost, compared to those in VC funds, which can take months to complete and be subject to high fees. Additionally, exits in blockchain projects may be secured after as little as two months, with tokens benefiting from high liquidity — in stark contrast to the illiquidity of most VC funds.

An initial $10 million in investment is sought for January 2018, with a total of $30 million by April.

For more information, email [email protected] or visit website.

About Waves

The Waves Platform (http://www.wavesplatform.com/) is a global public blockchain platform, founded in 2016. Waves Platform’s mission is to reinvent the DNA of entrepreneurship around the world by providing a shared infrastructure, offering easy-to-use, highly functional tools to make blockchain available to every person or organisation that can benefit from it. The Waves Platform is primarily designed to support the issuance, trade and exchange of digital assets or tokens using blockchain technology. It is supposed to use Proof-of-Stake as its consensus algorithm. Waves Platform completed its Initial Coin Offering in June 2016, garnering more than $16 million (30,000 BTC).