Crypto Is Changing Advertising As We Know It


“Advertising is one of the first industries that will be disrupted by blockchain technology”
– Marvin Liao, Partner, 500 Startups.

Advertising and marketing are areas that are among the most promising for blockchain disruption.

The digital advertising model is flawed. Advertisers do battle with fraud on a daily basis. Google’s official statistics admit that more than half of all ad viewers were bots, not humans.

And, while advertisers are without a doubt losing money, the consumers themselves are becoming victims without even knowing it. Firms like Google and Facebook are using them as products, where the users’ personal data is almost completely out of their own control. Additionally, consumers simply hate ads.

Here are three of the most promising advertising blockchain initiatives today:

1. IAB blockchain

One new blockchain initiative comes from the industry’s standard body IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau). They released their whitepaper on Blockchain for Video Advertising a few months ago, in March 2018.

IAB is assessing the applications for blockchain in the areas of fraud prevention and payments.

2. AdBit blockchain

AdBit will launch a blockchain solution that will connect media providers with traditional media buyers. They plan to use smart contracts to track transactions, preventing fraud and providing transparency

3. C3C Network

This blockchain initiative wants to provide an ecosystem for all parties in the advertising value chain, from creators to consumers. C3C plan to achieve this by creating a decentralized platform with direct rewards for content creators by consumers.

Consumers will have control and visibility of their own data, and there will be a direct link between advertisers and their targeted customer group.

C3C plans to cut out the middleman and to allow advertisers to connect with their customers directly. On the C3C platform, the creators will be rewarded, while consumers will be able to share, control, and even monetize their own personal data.

The C3C token will be the main currency used in the process, and participants will get the opportunity to store it for staking in the blockchain’s wallet.

[Disclaimer: CryptoCoin.News is the first publisher on the C3C platform.]