Caviar: Quick Fact Check
- Token Name: Caviar
- ICO Price of Token: 1 Caviar token = $0.10
- ICO Start date: December 12, 2017
- Closing date: January 31, 2018
The cryptocurrency ecosystem is a volatile one. Ups and downs and spikes and troughs turn the market into an investor’s worst nightmare, as it’s hard -if not impossible- to predict how things are going to go from one day to the next. This keeps all but the most seasoned investors away, looking elsewhere to put their funds into.
Consequently, investors are always seeking to find ways to safeguard their investment, to find means to minimize or remove the risk altogether. This is not always possible, as investing is a risky game of chance after all. You can win big, or be left with the clothes you’re wearing.
Hedging funds is one of such safeguards, a financial tool by which investors can reduce exposure to a sudden downturn in the markets. It’s good business practice to hedge some, if not all of your investment, to minimize exposure to hard times.
Caviar is an ICO that offers investors the possibility to put their money into selected cryptocurrencies and other cryptoassets, while hedging investments through much less volatile real estate assets. Token holders can participate in ongoing real estate projects and earn interest while doing so.
Initially, only US-based real estate projects will be accepted, due to the brand’s established name in the United States. Projects based on certain EU countries with strong demand for short-term real estate financing may follow.
The Caviar proposition: Diversity to safeguard investments
While the cryptocurrencies and real estate concepts are far from simple, Caviar’s
proposition is, relatively speaking.
The Caviar token enables the token holder to capture financial growth from rising cryptocurrencies, while also giving access to income generated by short-term loans
backed by real estate assets.
This dual business model allows the investors to relocate funds from cryptoassets to real estate, and vice-versa, to capitalize on their investment and minimize the risks incurred while earning quarterly profits.
The Caviar token
Caviar’s proprietary token, Caviar, is based on the Ethereum blockchain, and the ERC-20 standard. Quarterly profit sharing is guaranteed by a smart contract.
The company will provide 375,000,000 tokens during the token-generating event.
Caviar’s Intelligent Predictive Model (IPM)
Caviar’s proposition may be simple in its concept, but the underlying technology supporting is anything but.
The company has developed a proprietary piece of technology, the Intelligent Predictive Model (IPM), which is the core of the idea.
IPM relies on historical data to correlate historical prices with growth rates, among other metrics. The technology uses artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning routines and simulations to run predictions about future trends. IPM utilizes data pulled in real time to update the algorithms and thus keep up with upwards or downwards trends.
This data allows for more accurate long-term price predictions and more efficient allocation of assets.
The Caviar platform
Caviar has seen a gap in the market and intends to bridge it with its dual business model of investment on cryptoassets & real estate-backed short-term loans.
The company will use some of the proceeds derived from the token sale to enhance and
expand this platform with community boards for education and mentorship, a crowdfunding platform for token holders and real estate developers, and many other features.
Caviar is an established brand name which has accrued a strong pedigree across the United States. This will add value and confidence to its unique proposition.
Additionally, the dual business model that it offers is likely to attract a lot of interest from investors, as Caviar has gone to great lengths to implement safeguards for investors’ funds.
The IPM feature will ensure that a constant data feed keeps the algorithm fully up to date, so trends can be analyzed and visualized in real time.