ICOs This Week: A New Crossover Currency Hits The Market, An ICO Seeks To Bank The Unbanked And An AI That Can Predict Crypto Markets


This week CCN had a look at three new ICOs in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Banking and Stability solutions for Crypto Investors.

X8 Project – A brand new token back by the Gold standard as well as 8 other different currencies.

The X8 project is a simple idea, it is a token that allows players in the Crypto-currency space to easily move between coins. It even allows owners of cryptocurrencies to exit the crypto game entirely, exchanging their coins to real-world fiat currencies. While simple, this idea is potentially game-changing and provides traders who are willing to buy into the X8 concept with a higher sense of security. The hard cap for this project is €3.4 million issuing 34 million tokens. The main crowd sale runs from the 4th to the 22nd of January next year.

The X8 project offers not one, but two tokens that potential investors can get involved in. The project employs a “dual token model”, two Ethereum based coins. There is the X8Currency (X8C) which is the token previously mentioned whose value is backed by a range of different currencies, and there is the X8X Utility Token that acts as a key to the exchange process of X8C with 0% fee.

The team behind the X8 project gives off a strong impression, they are based in Switzerland and seem to be abiding by the Swiss regulations. Since engaging in this new ICO, they have listened carefully to the community and have changed aspects of their project where needed, most notably in their digital marketing. They have been actively engaging with their supporters to get some traction going.

Debate surrounds their ICO, and whether or not their project is feasible. Stability regarding the currencies involved is an issue for X8 as well as the fact that a lot of the viability of the project relies on the quality of their AI tracking and monitoring software. A lot of it comes down to whether the individual investor believes in the project as a whole. It goes without saying that those who are confident in the success of X8 will buy into and those who are skeptical will avoid this like the plague.


LALA world – Banking The Unbanked

LALA World is a new ICO that is dedicated to fixing issued surrounding migrants and their unbanked families. It hopes to provide a new blockchain based solution that seeks to aid poorly documented migrants to integrate and interact with aid programmes as well as personal banking. Their main ICO is running from the 5th of January to the 2nd of February 2018. Their “LALA” token is hard capped at 150,000 ETH with 1 ETH being equal to 1000 LALA.

LALA Worlds aim is undoubtedly admirable and their vision is clearly “big picture” thinking. Their project will allow undocumented migrants to be identified through biometrics, sim cards and other systems that will give them the power to move their money between continents. Aid bodies will be able to reach out directly and microlending can now interact at the very base. The introduction of LALA World should provide a solution which would cut of a lot of the exploitation and abuse of migrants caught up in the banking system.

The LALA World have spent a good amount of time developing their offering and their whitepaper is impressive and professional looking and adding to this, LALA world are reported to have received 2 million dollars earlier this year in the seed round. Currently, it is what looks like an ICO that is ready to make leaps and bounds and drastically change the world of international banking.

So is this realistic or are the creators of this ICO living in their own LALA world? For the sake of the people affected by banking problems that occur in the planned or unplanned migration from a country, I do hope they are successful. They have the potential to make a difference, and if you believe in the product then perhaps consider investing, after doing some research of your own of course.


Daneel – AI Assistant for Crypto Investors

Daneel is an Estonian artificial intelligence assistant with a bold claim that may perhaps pique the interest of some investors in the realm of Crypto Currency, the ability to monitor crypto markets and also the capacity to pick up social media information about how people “feel” towards certain currencies and is able to gauge the current opinion of how a coin is doing. This certainly is what seems like a tall task, however, if they can truly achieve what they claim to be capable of, they would definitely gather a lot of interest and potential investors.

Daneel goes to ICO on the 29th of January of next year and they had quite a successful presale for approximately 60,000 euros earlier in the month. There will be a grand total of 40,000,000 DAN token which is valued at 0.25 euro each in the ICO. Their AI is based on IBM’s own “Watson”, which is one of the most efficient artificial intelligences in the market, according to Daneels own whitelist. The team has an impressive mix of software engineering skills as well as other relevant experience.

So how likely is the success of Daneel? Well, it really all rides on the shoulders of the AI technology behind this ICO. The accuracy of Daneel will most likely make up the mid of potential investors and will Danee will have to build up a solid reputation to entice those who are perhaps a bit skeptical of this kind of market prediction. Due to the interesting nature of this project, The ICO seems so generating a good bit of buzz and it could be one to watch in the future.