September 24, 2019: Chain Token (CRO): Down 2.39%; 2nd Straight Down Day

January 23, 2020: Chain Token (cro): Down 1.29%
January 23, 2020: Chain Token (cro): Down 1.29%
. Chain Token: What’s the Latest Regarding its Price? Chain Token’s current price, at the time of this writing, is $0.03762 USD, down by approximately 2.39% from the day prior. Chain Token enters the day 4.24% below its 20 day moving average, and is experiencing its the 2nd straight day down. In terms of an expected trading range, the Bollinger bands on Chain Token suggest price may bounce between $0.037525 and $0.041044 based on its momentum and volatility over the past 14 days. Price’s current proximity to the bottom of the range may make buying an attractive opportunity to traders interested in trading the range.

August 3, 2019: Chainlink (link): Up 11.03%; Price Crosses 20 Day Average; 2nd Consecutive Up Day

The market capitalization of Chain Token, or the amount of US dollars it would take to buy up all the circulating coins, is currently estimated to be $386 million.

Update on Transactions and Holders

Over the past 24 hours, 185 transfers have been added to the blockchain recording transactions amongst holders of Chain Token. In terms of estimating the number of holders, over the past day the total number of wallets holding Chain Token has gone up by approximately 11. Our engagement rank, which combines weekly percentage growth in number of holders and number of transfers, has Chain Token ranked 18 out of the 32 Ethereum tokens we’re tracking.

How are the Strong Holders of Chain Token Faring?

Of the coin’s total money supply, the richest 1,0000 wallets currently own 99.91%.

The Latest on Chain Token and Social Media

In terms of social media presence, Chain Token saw its Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers go up by 131 and 12 over the past 24 hours. Traders interested in following Chain Token has the biggest presence on Twitter, where it has 76,806 users engaged. Here is the Twitter page for Chain Token. August 3, 2019: Chainlink (link): Up 11.03%; Price Crosses 20 Day Average; 2nd Consecutive Up Day

Article by SixJupiter