August 9, 2019: Status Network Token (SNT): Down 0.65%; Anomalies In Transfers Added

November 19, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.71%
November 19, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.71%

How Did Status Network Token’s Price Fare Yesterday?

Status Network Token is down by approximately 0.65% from the previous day, with its price currently hovering around $0.01984 USD. This marked the the 2nd day in a row Status Network Token has been down; it is still in a unclear trend, and is currently 4.43% below its 20 day moving average; staying above this level may be critical to sustain short-term momentum. In terms of an expected trading range, the Bollinger bands on Status Network Token suggest price may bounce between $0.019611 and $0.021908 based on its momentum and volatility over the past 14 days. Given its boundaries, rangebound traders may find it compelling to entertain buying, as we are nearer to the bottom of the range.

August 9, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.65%; Anomalies In Transfers Added

As for Status Network Token’s market cap, it is currently at about $70M US dollars.

Unusual Developments

The following metrics showed unusual change over the past 24 hours for Status Network Token: transfers added. Further investigation may be warranted.

Straight Off the Chain

2,420 transactions amongst holders of Status Network Token occurred yesterday. In terms of estimating the number of holders, over the past day the total number of wallets holding Status Network Token has gone up by approximately 21. If we observe percentage growth in holders and transfers, we find that Status Network Token ranks 17 out of the 36 Ethereum tokens we are tracking.

How are the Strong Holders of Status Network Token Faring?

Of the coin’s total money supply, the richest 1,0000 wallets currently own 95.58%. The percent of the currency that is owned by wallets that are both belonging to exchanges and in the top 1,000 richest wallets of the token comes out to 9.54% of the currency’s money supply. Exchange ownership grew by -0.09% over the past week, while the overall ownership percentage of the top 1,000 richest wallets grew by -0.16% over that time period.

How Much Development is Occurring?

The last activity date on Status Network Token’s GitHub repository was August 08, 2019, or about 1 days ago. Over the past 30 days, we’ve seen open issues across Status Network Token’s GitHub repositories grow by -0.07 per day on average, while the number of watchers has grown by 0.07.

What’s Going on Social Media?

Twitter appears to be the most popular place to follow the company, and thus may be worth monitoring. Here is the Twitter page for Status Network Token. August 9, 2019: Status Network Token (snt): Down 0.65%; Anomalies In Transfers Added

Article by SixJupiter