August 6, 2019: XMax (XMX): Up 0.68%

August 12, 2019: Xmax (xmx): Down 3.79%
August 12, 2019: Xmax (xmx): Down 3.79%

How Did XMax’s Price Fare Yesterday?

XMax’s current price, at the time of this writing, is $0.003566 USD, up by approximately 0.68% from the day prior. The up day for XMax yesterday was a reversal from the day before it, which puts its price at 1.85% above its 20 day moving average. Over the past two weeks, price has been in an up trend. XMax’s expected trading range — as forecasted by the Bollinger bands indicator, which determines a range based on momentum and volatility over the past two weeks — is between $0.002989 and $0.004013. As we are closer to the top of that range, rangebound traders may wish to consider exploring shorting opportunities.

Where to trade Xmax (symbol: XMX): DDEX

August 6, 2019: Xmax (xmx): Up 0.68%

As for XMax’s market cap, it is currently at about $64M US dollars.

Straight Off the Chain

Yesterday saw 34 transfers amongst holders of XMax. In terms of estimating the number of holders, over the past day the total number of wallets holding XMax has gone up by approximately 0. If we observe percentage growth in holders and transfers, we find that XMax ranks 28 out of the 37 Ethereum tokens we are tracking.

Just How Rich are XMax’s Richest Holders?

The top 1,000 XMax wallets hold over 99.99% of the token’s total money supply. The percent of the currency that is owned by wallets that are both belonging to exchanges and in the top 1,000 richest wallets of the token comes out to 37.67% of the currency’s money supply. In terms of growth rates, the share of total supply of the richest 1,000 wallets has grown by 0% over the past week. For the exchange wallets within the richest 1,000 wallets, their share has grown by 0.67%.

Technical Development Status

The last activity date on XMax’s GitHub repository was July 30, 2019, or about 7 days ago. Growth rates for open issues — a “”to-do list”” of sorts and watchers (“”subscribers”” following a code repository) for XMax are growing by 0 and -0.1, respectively, over the past 30 days.

What’s Going on Social Media?

In the past day, XMax’s Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers went up by 1 and 1, respectively. Traders interested in following XMax has the biggest presence on Reddit, where it has 6,116 users engaged.

Where to Buy

You can trade Xmax, listed under the symbol XMX, through the following exchanges: DDEX. August 6, 2019: Xmax (xmx): Up 0.68%

Article by SixJupiter