If Satoshi Nakamoto Is Bill Gates, Is Vitalik Buterin The New Steve Jobs?

If Satoshi Nakamoto Is Bill Gates, Is Vitalik Buterin The New Steve Jobs?
If Satoshi Nakamoto Is Bill Gates, Is Vitalik Buterin The New Steve Jobs?

Innovation, a new age revolution, or just radical change: however we choose to describe this phase is irrelevant, as something great is and has already happened. Growth.

Pushing the boundaries of civilization is an innate human trait and both ‘Satoshi’ and Vitalik Buterin, the respective founders of Bitcoin and Ethereum, are on the road to leading change.

In the early days, it was Microsoft that lead the way as the main protagonist of the technological revolution from its inception in 1975, followed soon after by Apple in 1976. Gates grew faster, his company became more valuable and was accepted quicker by the mainstream. Besides mainstream acceptance, we see similar traits currently taking place in the crypto space with BTC. However, as the race matures, new players are being introduced. It was Apple that took pole position, lead by the unmovable presence of Jobs, prior to his death. In 2008, Gates stepped down from Microsoft; in 2008 Apple shares were at $8.40. In the three years post Gates, Jobs took Apple shares to $74. Coincidence?

If Satoshi Nakamoto Is Bill Gates, Is Vitalik Buterin The New Steve Jobs?


If Satoshi Nakamoto Is Bill Gates, Is Vitalik Buterin The New Steve Jobs?

Ultimately, most speculators I speak to anticipate that, although Bitcoin is currently valued 10x greater than its running mate, a breakout is envisaged where the potential of Ether and the greater Ethereum platform leaps ahead and potentially laps the current leader in the crypto race, led by the presence of its founder Vitalik Buterin.

But no one knows for sure, which is why we see volatility in these markets, creating historical amounts of trading opportunities. Currently both are suffering from high uncertainty, both sitting near perceived resistance levels, which begs the question: are we on the cusp of witnessing another bull run? Analyse, manage your risk exposure, and ultimately make an educated guess no matter your perception of value growth or decline.

If Satoshi Nakamoto Is Bill Gates, Is Vitalik Buterin The New Steve Jobs?

If Satoshi Nakamoto Is Bill Gates, Is Vitalik Buterin The New Steve Jobs?

By Eliman Dambell