Telegram Offers $400k In Prizes For Smart Contracts Coding Competition

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Are you a skilled coder or a computer genius? Then you may like the sound of this. The massive messaging app Telegram is announcing a huge coding competition for people to participate in a chance of winning $400k. The task is to build smart contracts for a blockchain platform. 

 Build one or more smart contracts as described.

  1. Suggest improvements for FunC / TON VM (optional).
  2. Find issues and suggest fixes for TON Testnet (optional).

The prize fund for these 3 tasks is $200,000–400,000 and the contest ends on October, 15 at 23:00 CET.

The goal is to implement at least one of the smart contracts listed in the document Telegram shared through their channel, using the tools provided in the TON Blockchain distribution. Apart from the code of your smart contract, you will need to implement some scripts that enable the user to create, properly configure, and control new instances of your smart contract. The other option tasks include suggesting improvements for TON Virtual Machine and FunC and a TON Blockchain bug bounty contest. 

Furthermore, if a developer is able to find and exploit a bug in the TON Blockchain by stealing funds from the wallet of another person, they will be awarded a larger price of up to $200,000 distributed among the smart contract developers. 

Telegram appears to be finishing up the final details of its token, GRAM, officially beginning testing its network to discover potential bugs.