South Korea Implements Blockchain Tech In Hospitals

South Korea Implements Blockchain Tech In Hospitals
South Korea Implements Blockchain Tech In Hospitals

Asia is overtaking the blockchain market by surprise, investing huge amounts of money and effort into developing this technology, especially when it comes to improving the healthcare system. This is the case for the Gin Medical Center, one of the most important hospitals in South Korea. The hospital has partnered with Longenesis, a company dedicated to the processing of data in the health sector within South Korea to develop and implement a blockchain-based platform to process the data of patients in the hospital.

Longenesis will develop the platform on the Exonum blockchain, which has been developed by Bitfury, one of the biggest full-service blockchain technology companies in the world. Exonum was firstly developed by Bitfury to gather data in an effective way, improving existing processes of storing of data used for medical research, where the patient will be able to consent and verify in an objective and transparent way the process. Exonum will also comply with HIPAA and GDPR regulations, making it possible for the patient to access and share their medical information.

The platform will enable the hospital to upload, store and share the data for patients in a secure way, controlling the usage of patient’s data and ensuring its safe storage. Additionally, the platform will also be able to provide information about medical researches and other useful information. The handling of data will be carried out with the ultimate standards of transparency, registering everything and protecting it within the blockchain.

Gil General Hospital has a splendid reputation for being on the edge of adopting latest innovation. We are honored to mark our Korean presence with a partnership like such.

Garri Zmudze, CEO of Longenesis

Blockchain technology has been proven to be useful in many different aspects and industries, but the developments it could bring to the health sector are huge. Sharing and storing patient information in a secure network is key to ensure the transmission of data worldwide, avoiding issues that the medical industry faces on a daily basis, especially when it comes to obtaining medical records for patients around the globe. Just recently, both Longenesis and Bitfury announced their association with the Medical Diagnostic Web (MDW) to develop a platform that shares results of medical tests done to patients, such as X-Rays and CTs.

South Korea is investing a lot of resources into the development of blockchain technology, becoming one of the countries with the highest rate of blockchain tech usage.