CRYPTO COAST, A Decentralised Blockchain Technology Hub Launches On Ireland’s South-East

Crypto Coast, A Decentralised Blockchain Technology Hub Launches On Ireland’s South-east
Crypto Coast, A Decentralised Blockchain Technology Hub Launches On Ireland’s South-east

Reuben Godfrey, Co-Founder of the Blockchain Association of Ireland (BAI), launched a new initiative called the Crypto Coast. The Crypto Coast is a decentralised blockchain technology hub aimed at attracting both homegrown and international blockchain and crypto-related technology businesses to join an Ireland’s growing blockchain network on the South East Coast.

‘The Crypto Coast is targeting the coastal towns of Wicklow/Wexford in Ireland’s South East,’ says Godfrey. ‘These benefit from proximity to airports (Dublin, Waterford and Cork), access to a large and skilled pool of commuting professionals as well as boasting excellent broadband and technical infrastructure.’

The primary focus for the Crypto Coast will be the creation of co-working spaces for fledgling crypto-related businesses and the further education of the country’s growing knowledge in crypto-currency and related topics via white paper studies and events. Godfrey is already in talks with various government and industry bodies to support this and is growing a vibrant team of technical, creative and pioneering digital, legal and financial specialists to ensure new businesses get the best possible attention when locating to Ireland.

Over the past decade, the country has become home to 50% of the world’s leading Financial Services firms and 9 out of 10 world-leading technology and internet companies*, most of which locate along the ‘Silicon Docks’ in Dublin’s City Centre. The Crypto Coast aims to grow this sphere of digital influence down the Coast and with the advent of modern work practices and infrastructure, this move could save start-ups a lot of money.

“Ireland is already known globally as a destination for international tech businesses but Dublin has become expensive. If we are to continue to grow and develop with the rest of the world leader’s in this sector, like Zug’s Crypto Valley in Switzerland, we need alternatives for attracting start-ups to Ireland” says Godfrey. “Ireland’s South East Coast provides the perfect alternative; lower rents, an established (currently commuting) workforce and a beautiful place to live. We have the makings of a global eco-system here and through Cryptographic commerce, there is a massive opportunity to make it happen.”

With its close proximity to Dublin and the national airport, the Crypto Coast offers a beautiful backdrop from which to do business, harnessing the same features that have attracted companies here for decades – a thriving venture capital economy, access to work-class talent, a prime geo-location and a high standard of living.

The vision for this new initiative is an exciting one. By attracting these businesses to the country and continuing the open discourse surrounding Blockchain technology, the Crypto Coast project will cultivate a global crypto-community in Ireland and further develop our nation into one of the world’s most Blockchain literate.

For general enquiries visit:

Social: Twitter @cryptocoast_org

Further information: [email protected]


*Enterprise Ireland; Start in Ireland And Take On The World, Oct ’12.