Price Action
Since last week, Waltonchain’s price went down by -14.95%. It is below its 20 day moving average by 11.72%, so it’s a bit of a ways off. Waltonchain’s bullish momentum, determined by its distance from its 20 day moving average, is among the worst compared to other cryptocurrencies, and thus may indicate the coin has swung too far and too fast — and may thus be due for consolidation or a bullish correction. In terms of volatility, Waltonchain exhibits greater price volatility than approximately 63% of coins in our index, so traders can expect a bit more volatility than usual. Based on volatility over the past three weeks, we can expect Waltonchain to experience a price range in US dollars between 1.782517 and $2.458483.
Where to trade Waltonchain (symbol: WTC): Gate, Yobit, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex
Volume Update
Over the past week, Waltonchain saw its daily volume range between 933,632.5 and 5,714,014 units of its own currency. Over the past three weeks, the trend in volume does not have a clear direction, while the price trend is clearly down. Waltonchain experienced a turnover rate of about 9.65% over the past week, which means that is the percent of its available money supply that is traded daily. This turnover rate is higher than approximately 82.65% of the cryptocurrencies we monitor, which means it’s far above average and thus a good coin for those interested in active trading or being able to get out of the market if they need to.
Engagement Update
The number of wallets holding Waltonchain went from 27,851 to 27,925 in the past week, marking a change of 0.27%. And in regards to cumulative transactions logged on the blockchain, they went from 187,035 to 188,046, which amounts to a change of 0.54%. This translates to a combined engagement growth rate of 0.81% for Waltonchain — which is higher than 32.35% of the cryptocurrencies we’re reporting on. This growth rate suggests its change in engagement is below average, at least on a percentage basis.
Technology Development Status
At the moment, Waltonchain has 10 repositories open to the public on GitHub, with the oldest one now being 1.17 years young. Its last public update to any of its repositories was within the past week which is not bad, as the coin is still being updated routinely. Waltonchain’s public repos now have 35 which is below average relative to its peers; that’s more than only 33 % of the 100 similar coins in our index. The coin has 3 outstanding issues in the backlog awaiting to be addressed by the core development team. In comparison to the number of watchers it has, though, its open issues count is fairly mediocre. We consider the GitHub open issue/watcher ratio as a potential indicator of the healthiness of a coin’s software development process, and for Waltonchain we see that its issue/watcher ratio looks healthier than 54% of similar coins in our index.
Waltonchain News and Commentary
Over the past week, we found 2 links about Waltonchain that we found especially interesting. If available, we added an excerpt from the article to help give a taste of what it is about.
What Can Blockchain Do for Today’s Supply Chain Man
Waltonchain AMA via Binance – Waltonchain (Capital Region)
Bing- We already released Waltonchain Cross-Chain system….Rather than a pure supply chain project, Waltonchain is more of a public blockchain platform, which provides a completed solution combining software and hardware….How many members do you need to open a Waltonchain Global Autonomous Node?
Where to Buy
You can trade Waltonchain, listed under the symbol WTC, through the following exchanges: Gate, Yobit, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex.
Article by SixJupiter