October 16, 2019: Pundi X (NPXS): Down 5.61%; 2nd Consecutive Down Day

November 7, 2019: Pundi X (npxs): Up 3.21%
November 7, 2019: Pundi X (npxs): Up 3.21%

How Did Pundi X’s Price Fare Yesterday?

Pundi X’s current price, at the time of this writing, is $0.0001919 USD, down by approximately 5.61% from the day prior. Pundi X enters the day 17.88% below its 20 day moving average, and is experiencing its the 2nd straight day down. Pundi X’s expected trading range — as forecasted by the Bollinger bands indicator, which determines a range based on momentum and volatility over the past two weeks — is between $0.000208 and $0.000259. As we are closer to the bottom of that range, rangebound traders may wish to consider exploring buying opportunities.

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October 16, 2019: Pundi X (npxs): Down 5.61%; 2nd Consecutive Down Day

As for Pundi X’s market cap, it is currently at about $47M US dollars.

Update on Transactions and Holders

511 transactions amongst holders of Pundi X occurred yesterday. Regarding a tally of holders, Yesterday saw Pundi X’s wallet count increase by 29. Our engagement rank, which combines weekly percentage growth in number of holders and number of transfers, has Pundi X ranked 21 out of the 34 Ethereum tokens we’re tracking.

Just How Rich are Pundi X’s Richest Holders?

In terms of wealth concentration, the richest 1,000 wallets own 87.94% of the coin’s total money supply. The percent of the currency that is owned by wallets that are both belonging to exchanges and in the top 1,000 richest wallets of the token comes out to 11.83% of the currency’s money supply. Exchange ownership grew by -0.27% over the past week, while the overall ownership percentage of the top 1,000 richest wallets grew by -0.11% over that time period. Pundi X’s smart contract owns approximately 0.02% of its own total money supply. This amount hasn’t changed over the past week.

How Much Development is Occurring?

In terms of how active the software development team working on Pundi X is, it may be worth observing that the last time any work pertaining to code was done on their GitHub code repository was on September 27, 2019, or approximately 19 days before. To understand how code development is progressing, we can observe growth rates over the past 30 days in the number of open issues and the number of watchers: open issuers have been growing at about 0 per day, while the number of followers watching Pundi X’s repositories is growing by 0.03.

The Latest on Pundi X and Social Media

Traders interested in following Pundi X has the biggest presence on Twitter, where it has 66,642 users engaged. You can follow Pundi X on Twitter here.

Where to Buy

You can trade Pundi x, listed under the symbol NPXS, through the following exchanges: Gate, Yobit, Binance, DDEX. October 16, 2019: Pundi X (npxs): Down 5.61%; 2nd Consecutive Down Day

Article by SixJupiter