Waltonchain: What’s the Latest Regarding its Price?
Waltonchain is down by approximately 4.15% from the previous day, with its price currently hovering around $1.318 USD. Waltonchain is currently in a unclear , and it should be noted that this is now the the 3rd day in a row that price has been down. Moreover, Waltonchain is now 10.08% below its 20 day moving average. In terms of an expected trading range, the Bollinger bands on Waltonchain suggest price may bounce between $1.304333 and $1.627267 based on its momentum and volatility over the past 14 days. As we are closer to the bottom of that range, rangebound traders may wish to consider exploring buying opportunities.
Where to trade Waltonchain (symbol: WTC): Gate, Yobit, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex
The market capitalization of Waltonchain, or the amount of US dollars it would take to buy up all the circulating coins, is currently estimated to be $57 million.
Daily Engagement Metrics Update
275 transactions amongst holders of Waltonchain occurred yesterday. As for the number of holders, yesterday saw the number of wallets holding Waltonchain rise by 9. To provide context, we’d rank this token as 20 out of the 32 Ethereum tokens in our index based on percentage growth in engagement over the past 7 days.
Observing Waltonchain’s Richest Wallets
The top 1,000 Waltonchain wallets hold over 76.74% of the token’s total money supply. Drilling down to just exchanges, the top 1,000 wallets that are exchanges control 5.06% of the currency’s money supply. Exchange ownership grew by -0.05% over the past week, while the overall ownership percentage of the top 1,000 richest wallets grew by 0% over that time period. As for the Waltonchain’s smart contract itself, that owns 0.02% of the total money supply, an amount unchanged from the week prior.
The Latest on Waltonchain and Social Media
Twitter appears to be the most popular place to follow the company, and thus may be worth monitoring. You can follow Waltonchain on Twitter here.
Where to Buy
You can trade Waltonchain, listed under the symbol WTC, through the following exchanges: Gate, Yobit, Binance, DDEX, Ethfinex.
Article by SixJupiter