LEO Token Price Update
LEO Token’s current price, at the time of this writing, is $1.188 USD, down by approximately 0.08% from the day prior. Yesterday’s down day is a reversal of the day before it; in terms of trend, though, note that the current price is now 4.18% below its 20 day moving average, and is currently in a down trend over the past 14 days. Traders looking for a range to trade within may wish to note that the Bollinger bands (a price indicator based on recent momentum and volatility) for LEO Token imply the currency may oscillate between $1.137811 and $1.341789, based on how price has behaved in the two weeks prior. As we are closer to the bottom of that range, rangebound traders may wish to consider exploring buying opportunities.
The currency’s market cap currently stands at $1,187 million US dollars.
Straight Off the Chain
No transactions amongst holders of LEO Token occurred yesterday. In terms of estimating the number of holders, over the past day the total number of wallets holding LEO Token has gone down by approximately 0. To provide context, we’d rank this token as 15 out of the 31 Ethereum tokens in our index based on percentage growth in engagement over the past 7 days.
Observing LEO Token’s Richest Wallets
Of the coin’s total money supply, the richest 1,0000 wallets currently own 99.99%. The percent of the currency that is owned by wallets that are both belonging to exchanges and in the top 1,000 richest wallets of the token comes out to 95.05% of the currency’s money supply. Exchange ownership grew by 0.09% over the past week, while the overall ownership percentage of the top 1,000 richest wallets grew by 0% over that time period.
LEO Token’s Social Media Presence
Facebook appears to be the most popular place to follow the company, and thus may be worth monitoring.
Article by SixJupiter