KIMEX: ABinary Option Transactions Supported By Smart Contracts: Open To Investors August, 2018.

Kimex: Abinary Option Transactions Supported By Smart Contracts: Open To Investors August, 2018.
Kimex: Abinary Option Transactions Supported By Smart Contracts: Open To Investors August, 2018.

To many financial investors throughout the world, Binary Option is not a new concept. However, in Vietnam’s financial market, there are few who understand and use binary options based on a blockchain flatform.

Taken as a key to success, giant KIMEX brings a public project to the financial market by KIMEX builders.

With a unique business pattern, our company is intending to reinforce financial markets via smart contracts. Consequently, it is an effective stepping stone to making KIMEX perfect transactions.

KIMEX fundamental information

What is KIMEX?

Kimex: Abinary Option Transactions Supported By Smart Contracts: Open To Investors August, 2018.

KIMEX is a decentralized binary options platform based on blockchain in a peer-to-peer pattern. After KIMEX builders have completed the binary options platform, they will develop more complex transactions.


Contrary to traditional transaction methods, the KIMEX project will supply traders a perfectly trustworthy transaction environment. It is efficient to lessen the worst situation many traders face in the most minimal margin and guarantee the safety of transactions.

The prestigious market guarantees traders connection to the platform via our whitelabel program. All available information of traders is precise and worthy to accomplish their transactions.

KIMEX powered by blockchain has characterized exceptional traits. By using KIMEX, no one can counterfeit information or depress the market as with other traditional means.

KIMEX is having a token sale, using as a 100% profit stocks based in KIMEX.IO.

“Our mission is to bring explicit market of derived financial market as well as potential ones to ensure the promotion of shared financial market,” KIMEX producer team leader said.

Let’s imagine that there is a platform in which all transactions are viewable and no one can change the process with fraud.

Kimex: Abinary Option Transactions Supported By Smart Contracts: Open To Investors August, 2018.


As other projects in this kind of market, KIMEX, in particular, powered by blockchain, needs more time to give access to traders and investors.

It is the time to show its value to become prevalent around the world, not just in recently developed countries.

Kimex: Abinary Option Transactions Supported By Smart Contracts: Open To Investors August, 2018.


The KIMEX project is established and developed in eight steps:

  • January – February 2018: meeting between founders of KIMEX and their partners.
  • 15, August 2018: KIMEX is made public.
  • 1, September 2018: ICO campaign starts.
  • March 2019: Binary Option platform powered by blockchain is public.
  • June 2019: introduced to internal exchange market.
  • December 2019: KIMEX electrical wallet is introduced.
  • March 2019: KIMEX app on mobile phones is introduced.
  • October 2020: the upcoming office in Singapore is established.

Developing KIMEX team:

There are six specialists and counselors in finance and technology aspects have worked in blockchain for five years. They are:

  • Adam Son – Founder and CEO
  • Gideon Huynh – Founder  and CTO
  • Jully Bridget – Chef Marketing Manager
  • Pearl Dương – Senior Software Development
  • Peter Tran –Product Manager
  • Phi Hoang –  Blockchain Developer

It is undeniable the KIMEX is a breakthrough in financial markets. Are you ready to become investors?