IOTA And Audi Join Up To Explore Tangle


Recent reports say that Audi’s Think Tank has entered a new partnership with IOTA Foundation to explore and find an application for Tangle.

IOTA Foundation and Audi Think Tank partner up

According to the new announcement made by IOTA, the Foundation will enter a partnership with AUDI. This could be IOTA’s new way of creating a mobility ecosystem which would remain permissionless. For now, the Foundation has started a Google Design Sprint, which is to last for one week, and it did so in partnership with Audi’s Think Tank – Audi Denkwerkstatt.

From Audi’s viewpoint, this partnership will help the company explore various new use cases based on Tangle, gather feedback from customers, and even design a new prototype.

IOTA announced the partnership on Twitter that the two will explore Tangle-based use cases through a joint effort. The announcement was received positively by IOTA supporters, with several of them even stating that this sounds like a perfect topic for the Design Sprint.

Audi Denkwerkstatt has been considering new ways of approaching modern mobility for years. According to their website, the company is running numerous projects dedicated to addressing the development of ever-growing cities around the world. Thanks to the rise of the urban areas, the company has created an entire Audi Urban Future Initiative, which has been searching for solutions to today’s urban living challenges.

According to the blog post released by the company, IOTA has an open source protocol that is a perfect match for what Audi aims to achieve. In fact, the company believes that this protocol will be a perfect innovation accelerator for various types of business ideas. As long as they rely on safe and scalable communication between machines, trust in data, and transaction settlement, the company believes that this protocol will remain the best choice.

Tangle – IOTA’s biggest breakthrough yet

The IOTA Foundation has acknowledged the collaboration and hopes that this partnership might shine even more light on what IOTA can offer to carmakers. In the end, the Foundation will achieve a lot from this partnership, but mostly it hopes to move faster towards making the technology of distributed ledger a new standard.

As for Tangle, this is IOTA’s answer to various problems regarding blockchain technology. Tangle is a distributed ledger technology that is blockless and represents one of IOTA’s biggest achievements and remains one of the best currently-existing solutions for IoT-related problems.

Through blockchain technology, we have received decentralized networks that allow P2P transactions which are extremely cheap, or even free. However, this is still a young technology with legacy technical flaws that have yet to be fixed eliminated. The technology’s design, as innovative and modern as it is, is still not perfected.

However, through its efforts, IOTA managed to lead the way in this technology and has solved blockchain technology’s inefficiencies by enabling feeless, secure, and scalable transaction settlement.