Decentralizing the Oligopolistic Travel Industry
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
Start date
September 18, 2017
Closing date
October 18, 2017
A decentralized distribution platform for the travel industry. The oligopolistic nature of the travel industry allows for superior margins, double marginalization, and inhibits competition. Today hotels pay up to 25% fees of the total booking value to intermediaries who hold a duopoly on travel distribution. Winding Tree gives the distribution power back to the individual hotels and airlines. Moving data around and charging for that service may have been a business model in 70s but is wholly outdated today. Blockchain allows for a truly free and competitive platform in the travel industry. Having previously started a successful travel startup we have great connections in the industry and are actively talking to some of the largest players in travel.

Maksim Izmaylov – CEO
Pedro Renaud Anderson – COO
Jakub Vysoky – CTO
Nicolás Berger – Chief architect
Augusto Lemble – Blockchain architect
