DAICO of WINBIX Sales System
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
Start date
July 01, 2020
Closing date
September 28, 2020
Тhe WINBIX marketplace aims to create a new channel for sales, allowing participants to sell goods at the demand prices at any time. The system uses the reversed auction model. The price of the goods decreases until one of the participants stops the auction. The first buyer who stops the auction wins. The target Project audience shall include: - Sellers – small and medium intermediaries/manufacturers who cannot afford to bear the costs of organizing and maintaining online sales. Further, the marketplace will be useful for companies wishing to occupy a niche among customers with a limited income level (the target audience of bulletin boards, joint purchases); - Buyers – people with average and below-average income having to combine an acceptable consumption level and limited financial resources. The audience ready for time-consuming costs in exchange for the option of obtaining a satisfactory price offer.