ThreeFold Network
The Autonomous Internet

ICO Price of Token
Start date
January 20, 2020
Closing date
February 10, 2020
The Threefold network is the biggest decentralized grid of self-managing Internet capacity in the world. Being built collectively by an inclusive ecosystem. Owned by everyone. Our mission is to expand the current Internet to all areas of the world and to allow everyone to use this Internet at a fraction of its current price. We want to make it easy for people to own their data and make it harder for companies to (ab)use this data. We want to help save the planet by making sure that this new Internet capacity is much more energy-friendly. Our second mission is to create a new type of digital currency. A currency that is truly decentralized, inclusive and supported by an energy-efficient and highly demanded internet capacity. A currency that can be used to buy and sell internet capacity as well as goods or services anywhere in the world. This decentralized digital currency (ThreeFold Token) is the result of independent people or companies expanding the new Internet in a process which we call farming. The combination of a better (neutral) Internet and a better digital currency (Token) can be a huge benefit for many millions of people in the world, stimulate innovation and have a positive impact on the world
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