An eSports with a crypto economy. Leading the blockchain revolution in gaming!
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
1 ETH = 1,000 SKRT
Start date
February 08, 2018
Closing date
February 23, 2018
Imagine getting real value while playing your favorite video game. With SKARATs you can now do this legally. Video games have experimented with purely digital currencies and digital assets for years, often with great success. However, until the advent of blockchain technology, these economies existed in official isolation to the real economy. It is time to change this. SKARATs overcome this barrier by creating a new cryptocurrency in the form of an ERC-20 token based off the Ethereum blockchain which can be traded on the open market. Through this new vehicle, participants in the SKARAT community will be able to buy, sell and trade in-game assets without having to go to shady black markets.
Token supply