A Decentralized Mobile Mesh Network
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
Start date
February 15, 2018
Closing date
March 31, 2018
RightMesh is a distributed network that incentivizes people to share mobile device resources, such as Internet, data, and storage, with those who lack access, thereby increasing global connectivity and facilitating international communication and commerce. RightMesh provides a decentralized Internet infrastructure, which is less vulnerable to disruption by natural disasters and deliberate interference from oppressive regimes. There are a lot of software applications that claim to be decentralized but rely on centralized infrastructure at the hardware level; RightMesh is the first truly decentralized network and platform that is actually p2p (peer-to-peer). Parent company, Left, is an 80-person multinational company and has invested more than $5 million in RightMesh.

John Lyotier – Co-founder & CEO
Chris Jenson – Co-founder & COO
Melissa Quinn – Corporate Development Manager
Dr. Jason Ernst – Chief Networking Scientist
Saju Abraham – Chief Product Officer
Dana Harvey – Chief Communications Officer
