Replacing passwords with the distributed authentication

ICO Price of Token
Start date
November 15, 2017
Closing date
December 20, 2017
The goal of REMME is to build a distributed Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) management on top of the x.509 standard using Blockchain. It's the security-focused solution for authentication of employees, customers and smart devices, that lets businesses protect user accounts from stealing and provides secure access to sensitive data. Instead of a password, REMME provides a specific SSL certificate for each device and browser. The certificate data is managed on Blockchain, so a fake certificate will never work. Inbuilt 2FA options are based on widely spread apps and work with bots, developed for the most popular messenger apps. Instead of messangers, a dedicated mobile app could be used for 2FA according to internal security policies.
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Alex Momot – CEO & Founder
Taras Emelyanenko – CTO
Kate Pospelova – CMO & Co-founder
Yaroslav Pishta – Scala Engineer
Anatolii Padenko – Junior Smart Contract Engineer
Zoya Danilina – Social Media Specialist
Jan Keil – Business Development Adviser
Nick Bilogorskiy – Security Adviser
Mykola Ilin – Security Adviser