Cryptocurrency backed by real estate
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
Start date
August 07, 2017
Closing date
October 09, 2017
REcoin provides both investors and the average person a safer, more secure and superior alternative to storing their wealth in the form of digital currency. REcoin is a new cryptocurrency alternative designed to accommodate a wide range of financial transactions and investment goals. Its security is ensured through the use of one of the soundest and most reliable currency backings there is real estate.Many of those who are looking to invest their earnings face the dilemma of putting their savings into low-interest rate bank accounts or lacking other investment alternatives due to a lack of liquidity. No real commodities back the world's widely used currencies. Real estate backs REcoin in countries with a developed and stable economies such as the United States, Canada, the U.K., Japan and Switzerland.

Maksim Zaslavskiy – CEO
Alex Moiseienko – Marketing
Eugene Salitrynskiy – Development Team Lead
Aleksandr Driga – Marketing and Legal Advisory
Victoria Volovick – Marketing Advisory
