An open and decentralized platform for video broadcast and remote consultations markets
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
Start date
March 11, 2018
Closing date
April 11, 2018
The OnLive Platform revolutionises both the video broadcast and remote consultations markets. It offers unlimited scalability and availability utilising Blockchain Technology and a completely decentralised Peer-to-Peer network. Anyone can contribute to the system if they have the processing power and bandwidth. Smart incentivisation of these contributions guarantees decentralisation and creates a new economy driven by ONL tokens. Smart incentivisation of these contributions guarantees decentralisation and creates a new economy driven by ONL tokens.

Chris Rybka – Founder
Anna Rybka-Krysiak – Co-founder & Manager
Daniel Bayer – CEO
Simon Polok – Code & Development
Paweł Josiek – Supervisor iOS, Android and frontend team
Igor Farafanow – UX expert
Adam Ochmański – Supervisor of the team of administrators
Chris Janik – Controlling & Finances
Wiktor Żołnowski – Blockchain expert
Kuba Stefański – Blockchain expert
Paweł Maciszewski – Software development manager
Michał Jasiński – Legal counsel
