Blockchain based platform for travel services tailored to your needs and budget
ico symbol
ICO Price of Token
Start date
March 27, 2018
Closing date
May 21, 2018
MeetnGreetMe aims to bring radical changes to travel and hospitality industry via building a new ecosystem where every member is incentivized to contribute their time, skills, local expertise and resources to the MeetnGreetMe ultimate goal - to put a traveler’s needs and experience first. Considering the background diversification of MeetnGreetMe community, WelcomCoin based reward system will help to foster the interest and spread the knowledge about cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology among the people around the world and encourage local businesses to become an active part of this new economy. In its niche of travel and hospitality, MeetnGreetMe is the first p2p platform which takes advantages of blockchain and crypto currencies.

Elena Shkarubo – Co-Founder and CEO
Nick Vyhouski – Co-Founder & Product designer
Andrew Gaidukevich – Co-Founder & CTO
Ilja Satchok – Software Engineer
Anna Bobekh – Digital Marketing Manager
Lizaveta Dovgalova – UX/UI Designer
Katya Klishchuk – Community Manager
Aleskey Ladutska – Front-End Developer
Lizaveta Dejkun – Customer Happiness Manager
Hanna Zhyhar – Business Development Manager
