Identity verification via the blockchain

ICO Price of Token
Start date
June 21, 2017
Closing date
June 22, 2017
Civic’s model allows for on-demand, secure and lower cost access to identity verification via the blockchain. Background and personal information verification checks may no longer need to be undertaken from the ground up every time a new institution or application requires one. Civic already has a working identity verification product that is available worldwide. Civic has won Best New Startup award at the K(NO)W Identity Conference 2017.
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Vinny Lingham – CEO
Jonathan Smith – CTO
Matt Roszak – Co-founder and chairman of Bloq & Civic technical advisor
Jeff Garzik – Co-founder and CEO of Bloq & Civic technical advisor
Juan Benet – Founder, CEO at Protocol Labs, Inc. & Civic technical advisor
Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar – CEO & Co-founder at RSK Labs & Civic technical advisor
Anthony Di Iorio – CEO & Founder at Jaxx and Decentral, Founder at Ethereum & Civic technical advisor
Jeffrey Paul – Hacker, Researcher, Speaker, Entrepreneur, EEQJ, Inc. & Civic technical advisor