Blockchain And Bitcoin Conference Kiev – March 29

Blockchain And Bitcoin Conference Kiev – March 29
Blockchain And Bitcoin Conference Kiev – March 29

The Fifth Annual Conference on CryptoCurrency, Lockheed and ICOs is being held on March 29th 2018 in the Congress and Exhibition Center, Parkovy.

The conference organizers say this is the largest Blockchain conference and exhibition in the Ukraine. Last year there were more than 1000 visitors and over 50 exhibitors. The conference will present leading experts in the implementation of cryptology in business, the development of blockchain products, how to set up an ICO and also the investment and promotion of startups in the market.

They also promise to showcase the latest developments in the industry. The conference will be a platform for networking with entrepreneurs, the founders and CEOs of projects, developers and investors from the Ukraine and abroad.

There will be more than 30 speakers in total and the topics to be covered include blocking and crypto-currency for business, legislation both in Ukraine and looking at the experience of other countries, development of blockchain, applications and smart contracts, and the ICO process for investors and and startups.

The delegates are expected to be a wide range of professionals including blocking entrepreneurs, developers, founders of startups, investors, lawyers, marketers, and media both domestic and international.

Government is well represented in the conference. Elena Sukmanova, Deputy Minister of Justice for Ukraine will speak on issues of state registration. Vladimir Omelyan, Minister of Infrastructure for Ukraine with talk on piloting projects and integrating blockchain technology into the Ukrainian infrastructure sector.

Alexander Ryzhenko, Chairman of the State Agency for Electronic Governance of Ukraine will talk about looking at blockchain for egovernment reform and Konstantin Yarmolenko, Advisor to the State Agency for Electronic Governance of Ukraine and Member of the Board of Directors of Bitcoin Foundation Ukraine, will moderate a panel discussion on the possibility of initiating a regulatory “sandbox” for blocking projects in Ukraine as a chance to attract additional investment and enhance the country’s technological capacity.

The conference will sense check the problem of finding qualitative financial data that is relevant both in traditional markets and crypto. Currently there are practically no qualitative clean data on cryptocurrencies.  Traders, foundations and professional analysts all require authoritative sources to provide accurate prices, analytics, rating and news.

Finally a number of top legal and accounting experts will look at issues of taxation for cryptocurrency transactions and ICO projects with the participation of US residents. Given the activity of the SEC in the States this is an important topic.

Early bird is 2500 UAH which finishes on March 28th 2018.

For more information and booking, please visit their website