SafePost Round 2 |
SafePost Airdrop Round 2 is worth $700 in Ethereum tokens in total and 1,000 STAMP tokens (~$ 1.5) for every participant. Invite friends with your referral link to earn 100 STAMP tokens for every referral (~$ 0.15) After the first round of the SafePost Airdrop where you could earn free STAMP tokens, SafePost is now also giving away free Ethereum!
The prizes will be distributed as follow:
- The 1st prize: $200 in Ethereum;
- The 2nd prize: $100 in Ethereum;
- The 3rd and 4th prize: $50 in Ethereum each;
- The 5 following prizes: $20 in Ethereum each;
- The 10 following prizes: $10 in Ethereum each.
About SafePost
SafePost is a decentralized encrypted messaging platform based on Open Source technology using among others the blockchain. This technology gives you the guarantee that the algorithms are safe and have no back door.
SafePost allows you to exchange messages and documents in a safe & efficient way with your contacts.
- No more unsolicited e-mails: you only receive posts from contacts you wish to be connected with.
- No more missed e-mails: you are notified every time you receive a new mail.
- No more phishing e-mails.
- No more wrongly classified junk mails while they are ok.
- No possibility for an outside person (hackers, SafePost team, …) to read your messages and documents.
Your messages & documents are encrypted before being sent to SafePost. They are then stored in a decentralized SafePost database accessible in high availability. No ads, no statistics. Your messages & documents remain confidential: NO THIRD PARTY, including the SafePost team, can neither decrypt nor read them.