Home OmniSparx round 2

OmniSparx Round 2


OmniSparx Airdrop Referral Contest is worth 2.70 Ethereum (ETH) in total. Contest winners will be chosen based on the number of referrals and Ethereum will be given to the top 10 as of that time and date in the amounts set forth below:

Rank                     Reward
1                             1 ETH
2-3                       0.50 ETH
4-10                      0.10 ETH

About OmniSparx

OmniSparx is a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) whose mission is to support the health and growth of Open Communities so that people anywhere can collaborate and engage and improve their social environments. OmniSparx supports the growth and health of Open Communities by resolving the challenges inherent to communication and collaboration in an open environment. They advance their mission through the OmniSparx platform. OmniSparx’s goal is to be the premier authenticated and incentivized collaboration platform for Open Communities.

Roger Ver announces in a video that he has become an investor and advisor for OmniSparx and how it will help the community grow and thrive.

OmniSparx Airdrop Round one was successfully completed.