Home Minereum



Minereum Airdrop is worth 32,000 MNE coins (~$ 278). MNE coins are already tradable.

About Minereum

Minereum was released back in 2017 with an airdrop. Later on it became one of the most valuable airdrops in crypto history.

Minereum is the first-ever self mining Smart Contract Token. Coins are generated on the fly with a mathematical formula without the need for mining pools or mining equipment the mining is done by the code itself. This new mining approach is transparent, fair and shared by all the participants with the consideration of containing the supply for a future increase of value. 

Minereum V2 will be released with a vast number of improvements, including the decentralized exchange of Genesis Addresses and a Stake Holder platform for those who wish to become Stake Holders of the exchange platform. More information regarding the stake holder program can be found here. Minereum V2 is under development and it will be released in few weeks, in the meantime they are starting a new airdrop so more users can participate.