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Bitcoin Black


Bitcoin Black Airdrop is worth $36,000,000 in BCB coins. Anyone who has signed up for the free coin airdrop will receive 3600 Free BCB coins guaranteed ($36 value). 

In addition, the top 10 people who share the free coin airdrop with the most friends will receive 180,000,000 BCB coins each (USD value per person $1,800,000). Positions 11-110 will receive 18,000,000 coins each (USD value per person $180,000)

About Bitcoin Black

Bitcoin Black aims to be the cryptocurrency of the people, by the people for the people. Bitcoin Black's intention is to be adopted for use as a p2p payment system which gives the power back to the people. Bitcoin Black began by a group who wishes to remain anonymous from Australia. The project is intended to be community-based. 

Bitcoin Black uses Block-lattice architecture, that was first introduced by Colin Lemahieu with the project Rai-blocks Raiblocks which is now Nano cryptocurrency (NANO). With this type of architecture, each individual transacting on the network possesses their own blockchain, which is controlled by their private keys. Bitcoin black is free to transfer, scalable for worldwide use, and has a fair distribution.